
ルパン三世に恋をした女性たち Women who fell in love with Lupin III

ルパン三世は、1970年代から漫画の連載とアニメ放送が始まっている。そのため、私は年齢の関係から、平成に入ってからルパン三世をみるようになった。当時、再放送が多かったのはPART 2で、しかも小学生の頃だったのでほとんど覚えていない。テレビスペシャルとPART 5、PART 6は動画サブスクサービスで視聴した。そのため、テレビスペシャルとPART 5、PART 6の女性たちがメインとなる(カリオストロの城は内容をほぼ暗記しているので、視聴したのは大昔だが書ける)。ちなみに、ルパンは恋多き男性だが、実は惚れるよりも惚れられることのほうが多いと思う。普段の「かわい子ちゃん!」のセリフは、あれはただの挨拶がわりのナンパ。











ソフィー(天使の策略 〜夢のカケラは殺しの香り〜)


ドリュー(sweet lost night 〜魔法のランプは悪夢の予感〜)


レベッカ(イタリアンゲーム、PART 4)

(PART 4)
PART 4においては、かつての恋人とルパンが夢の中で対話し、さらにダヴィンチから救ってくれたことで、ルパンに夢中になってしまう描写がある。しかし、ずっと一緒にいることは諦める。ルパンはイタリアを去っていく。

アミ(PART 5)


峰不二子(PART 5など)

ルパンの片想いだと思い込んでいる人も多いが、PART 5、PART 6では峰不二子はルパンのことを愛している描写がある。PART 5では、交際していたが別れたと答えている。PART 5ラストでルパンから愛の告白(と隠された秘密の告白)をされて、不二子もそれを受け入れる。ちなみに、不二子はアミがルパンのことを好きなことを知っているし、自分にやきもちしていることも知っている。が、もちろん大人の不二子は相手にしない。ラストでは、エンゾの島からの脱出前に、アミとルパン二人の時間をつくってあげるため、「私たちは先に行きましょうか」と次元や五右衛門とともにその場を離れる優しさを見せる。
※PART 5以外では、不二子はルパンを裏切ることが多いが、PART 5では相思相愛の設定上、裏切ることはない。ルパンとアミを森に残して一人でバイクで走り抜けるシーンがあるが、あれは自分がオトリになって手負いのルパンとアミを隠し抜くためだ(アミは戦いを知らないので気づかない)。PART 6もPART 5の時系列を受け継ぐため、裏切ることはない。

ワン・リンファ(PART 6)


番外編 トモエ(PART 6)



Lupin III has been serialized as a manga and broadcast as an anime since the 1970s. Therefore, due to my age, I started watching Lupin III after the Heisei era began. At the time, PART 2 was often rebroadcast, and I was in elementary school at the time, so I don't remember much about it. I watched the TV specials, PART 5, and PART 6 on a video subscription service. Therefore, the women in the TV specials, PART 5, and PART 6 are the main characters (I've almost memorized the contents of The Castle of Cagliostro, so I can write about it even though I watched it a long time ago). By the way, Lupin is a man who has many love affairs, but I think he is actually more often loved by women than he is the one who falls in love with them. His usual "cute girl!" line is just a way of picking up girls instead of greetings.

Clarice (The Castle of Cagliostro)

This is already super famous. Inspector Zenigata explicitly said this, and Clarice also confirmed it. Lupin cheered up Clarice, who was sad because she was locked up in the castle tower. He also risked his life to rescue and protect Clarice. Even the villain Lupin was a gentleman at this time. Many long-time fans of Lupin III also like the villain Lupin, so it is said that the movie was not very popular immediately after its release. It became popular after reruns, and was later called a masterpiece.

Maria (The Mystery of the Hemingway Papers)

Originally a peaceful Mediterranean island, the island became the stage for a battle over the Hemingway Papers. Maria, who lives there, is a survivor of the rebel army. She was determined to fight alone, but thanks to the efforts of Lupin and his gang, the people who were fighting for the treasure were wiped out. Although she did not trust Lupin at first, she eventually came to like him. Since there are no explicit words, it may not be possible to call it love.

Lara (The Secret of Twilight Gemini)

I think it's almost certain. Lara, a woman of royal blood from the Gert tribe in Morocco. She was swallowed by the quicksand and in a situation where she might die, Lupin tried to save her many times, but at the end of the day, he entered the quicksand himself. "I can't let Lara die alone," he said. I think she was probably in love with Lupin, the manliest of men. There is a scene where they kiss at the end.

Cynthia ($1 Money Wars)

This is also not explicitly stated, so it is only speculation. Fujiko Mine said in "Same Woman's Intuition" that Cynthia might have liked Lupin. However, after her plot to make a lot of money from the war was ruined by Lupin's gang, Lupin stole her money and left her penniless. Perhaps because she was betrayed by the man she loved, she shot Lupin with a gun at the end, but Lupin was not the type to be defeated by an amateur.

Cat (Stolen Lupin)

This is confirmed because there is a line that explicitly says that she was his lover and partner in thieving. Not his daughter Becky, but his mother. However, maybe she liked his daughter Becky too? However, Becky might be Lupin's daughter, so that would be pretty bad.

Sophie (Angel's Tactics: Fragments of a Dream Smell of Murder)

An executive of the anti-American terrorist organization Bloody Angels, an expert in poison and crossbows. He tries to kill Lupin, but as they talk he opens up and says, "You remind me of my ex-boyfriend." Just before he dies he says, "I wish I'd met you sooner." Lupin is furious at Emily for killing Sophie. At the end, he forgives Emily who begs for her life, but she takes advantage of the opportunity to try to kill him, so Lupin shoots her dead.

Drew (Sweet Lost Night: The Magic Lamp is a Premonition of a Nightmare)

Almost certain. Lupin helped Drew, who had lost his memory. Drew hesitates, saying, "I might forget you" if she regains her memories, but Lupin pushes her back and helps her regain them. Drew kisses Lupin before regaining his memory.

Rebecca (Italian Game, Part 4)

(Italian Game) No explicit words. She marries Lupin, but only goes along with it after realizing that this is to steal treasure. At the end, there is a flashback scene where she remembers her wedding with Lupin, so it seems that she just liked him a little, not that she was in love with him. 

(Part 4) In Part 4, there is a scene where Lupin and her former lover talk in a dream, and Lupin saves her from Da Vinci, so she becomes obsessed with Lupin. However, she gives up on being with him forever. Lupin leaves Italy.

Ami (Part 5)

There are explicit words, so it is certain. At first, she was alone for a long time, so her only friend was the computer. However, after Lupin risked his life to protect her and she regained her rich inner self, Ami falls in love with Lupin and tells Lupin that she likes him. Although Ami is still a child, she is jealous of Fujiko Mine. She shows her competitive spirit by declaring, "I'll become a more attractive woman than Fujiko Mine," but when Lupin confesses his love to her right in front of her, she realizes she has been defeated.

Fujiko Mine (Part 5, etc.)

Many people believe that Lupin's love is unrequited, but in Parts 5 and 6, Fujiko Mine is depicted as loving Lupin. In Part 5, she says that they were dating but broke up. At the end of Part 5, Lupin confesses his love (and a hidden secret), and Fujiko accepts it. By the way, Fujiko knows that Ami likes Lupin and is jealous of her. But of course, she doesn't pay any attention to the adult Fujiko. At the end, before Enzo escapes from the island, she shows kindness by saying, "Shall we go first?" and leaving the scene with Jigen and Goemon to give Ami and Lupin some time together. 

※Other than PART 5, Fujiko often betrays Lupin, but in PART 5, she does not betray him because they are in love with each other. There is a scene where she leaves Lupin and Ami in the forest and rides away on her motorcycle, but she does so to act as a decoy and hide the wounded Lupin and Ami (Ami does not notice because she does not know about the battle). Since PART 6 also follows the timeline of PART 5, she does not betray them.

Wang Linhua (PART 6)

She falls in love with Lupin on TV and joins ICPO. After that, she develops security software and starts a company. She challenges Lupin to see which is better, the security software or Lupin. However, on the surface, this challenge is to promote the company by winning against Lupin, but her true intention is to get Lupin, who she loves, to acknowledge her. In the end, she is defeated, and Lupin runs away even though she tells him her love. It is also possible that she was just being psychologically manipulated by Tomoe.

Extra: Tomoe (Part 6)

She was Lupin's tutor when he was a boy, but was astonished by his genius. In order to make Lupin her own, who would one day become the world's greatest thief, she brainwashed Lupin and implanted false memories in him that she was his real mother. She is abnormally obsessed with Lupin.

