資源の安定供給: リン鉱石への依存度を低減し、安定的な資源供給を可能にする。
環境負荷の低減: リン鉱石の採掘や輸送に伴う環境負荷を削減する。
経済効果: リン鉱石の輸入量を削減することで、外貨を節約する。
リサイクル率目標の早期達成: 具体的な施策と投資を拡大し、リサイクル率を向上させる。
マテリアルリサイクルの推進: 技術開発と制度整備を進め、マテリアルリサイクルの比率を高める。
産学官連携の強化: 循環型経済の実現に向けて、産学官が連携して取り組む。
国際的な連携の推進: 海外との技術交流や共同研究を積極的に進め、国際競争力を強化する。
3Rの推進: リサイクルだけでなく、リデュース(削減)やリユース(再利用)を含む3Rの推進を図る。
一般社団法人リン資源循環利用促進協議会: https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/program/proa/a2
環境省: https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=345AC0000000137_20250601_504AC0000000068
経済産業省: https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/sankoshin/sangyo_gijutsu/resource_circulation/index.html
Recycling of Phosphorus Resources: Japan's Current Status and Challenges
In today's society, the stable supply of resources and the reduction of environmental impact are pressing issues. Phosphorus resources, in particular, are indispensable for a wide range of fields such as fertilizers, feed, pharmaceuticals, and semiconductor manufacturing, and their importance has been growing in recent years. However, phosphorus ore is a finite resource and there is a risk of depletion in the future.
Japan's Reliance on Phosphorus Resources
Japan does not produce phosphorus ore domestically and relies on about 90% of its imports from Vietnam. In recent years, there have been concerns about rising prices and supply instability due to China's tightening of phosphorus ore export controls. This situation poses a significant risk to Japan's resource security and requires urgent countermeasures.
Importance of Phosphorus Resource Recycling
Phosphorus resource recycling plays an important role in terms of breaking away from import dependence, realizing a circular economy, and reducing environmental impact. Specifically, the following effects can be expected.
Stable supply of resources: Reduce reliance on phosphorus ore and enable a stable supply of resources.
Reduced environmental impact: Reduce the environmental impact associated with the mining and transportation of phosphorus ore.
Economic effects: Save foreign exchange by reducing the amount of phosphorus ore imported.
Current Status of Phosphorus Resource Recycling in Japan
Japan has made some progress in developing phosphorus resource recycling technologies. For example, Sumitomo Corporation is conducting research with Tohoku University on the production of yellow phosphorus from phosphoric acid recovered from unused phosphorus resources such as slag, waste acid, and sewage sludge incineration ash. In addition, Nippon Steel has developed a technology for recovering phosphorus from steelmaking slag, Kubota has developed a technology for recovering phosphorus from sewage sludge, and Hitachi Zosen has developed a technology for recovering phosphorus from sewage sludge incineration ash.
Challenges and Future Outlook
However, Japan's phosphorus resource recycling rate is 19.6% (FY2019), which is low compared to other OECD countries. In addition, a large portion of the recovered resources are thermally recycled, and the ratio of material recycling needs to be increased. Furthermore, there are also challenges such as delays in system development and lack of international cooperation.
In the future, it is necessary to further develop phosphorus resource recycling in Japan by promoting the following measures.
Early achievement of recycling rate targets: Expand concrete measures and investments to improve the recycling rate.
Promotion of material recycling: Develop technologies and systems to increase the ratio of material recycling.
Strengthening industry-academia-government collaboration: Collaborate between industry, academia, and government to realize a circular economy.
Promotion of international cooperation: Actively promote technology exchange and joint research with overseas countries to strengthen international competitiveness.
Promotion of 3Rs: Promote 3Rs, including reduce, reuse, and recycle, in addition to recycling.
Phosphorus resource recycling is an essential initiative for the realization of a sustainable society in Japan. It is important to address various challenges such as technology development, system development, international cooperation, and 3Rs promotion, and achieve a stable supply of phosphorus resources and reduce environmental impact. It is necessary for all parties concerned to work together and take proactive measures.
General Incorporated Association for Promotion of Phosphorus Resource Circulation: https://www.jircas.go.jp/en/program/proc
Ministry of the Environment: https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=345AC0000000137
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: https://www.meti.go.jp/