
To the end of land~世界の終わりへ (4)Penzance

The Minack Theaterを楽しんだ後は、今日の宿のあるPenzanceに向かいます。実は今回の旅の目的の一つに、PenzanceのB&B(Bed and Breakfast)とSt. Ivesのお城のホテルに泊まることがあるのですが、PenzanceのB&B Holbein Houseについて今日は書きたいと思います。

先ず、PenzanceですがCornwallの中心的な街の一つで、どことなく地中海を思わせるような海辺のリゾートの街なのですが、この後に出てくるSt. Ivesと比べるとキラキラとしたPoshな感じはなく、落ち着いた雰囲気のSickな街です。Cornwallにあるため料理も美味しく、多分多くの人が気に入る、人気の街の一つではないかと思います。

そのPenzanceに、ひと際ホスピタリティが高いと誉れ高いB&Bがあり、それがHolbein Houseでした。まあでもそうは言っても、UKのB&Bだし(失礼)そこまで期待はしていなかったのですが、素敵な経験をここですることができました。


Holbein HouseはPenzanceの海岸沿いからほんの少し入ったビクトリア朝の建物が続いている通りにあるB&Bで、見渡すと周りにはいくつもB&Bがあることが分かります。クルマを道に停めきょろきょろと周りを見ていると二階からご主人が手を振ってくれて、Holbein Houseのかわいい相棒である犬のElvisが迎えに出ていてくれました。はて、到着の時間も、僕らの顔も知らないのに何で僕らが宿泊客と分かっただろう、と不思議になりましたが、プロの勘のようなものがあるのでしょう。このお出迎えは心のこもったおもてなしを感じます。

Elvis, the human-like dog! 




ホストに、素敵なリビングに招かれ、美味しいEnglish Breakfastを取り、今日はUKのモンサンミッシェル、St. Michael's Mountに向かいます。

それにしても、この心地の良いHolbein Houseの力の源は何だろう?


After enjoying the Minack Theatre, we headed to Penzance for our accommodation for the night. One of the main goals of this trip was to stay at a B&B in Penzance and a castle hotel in St. Ives. Today, I would like to write about the B&B in Penzance, Holbein House.

First, let's talk about Penzance. It is one of the central towns in Cornwall, and it has a coastal resort town vibe that somewhat resembles the Mediterranean. While it may not have the glittering, posh feel of St. Ives, it is a charming and tranquil town. Given that it is located in Cornwall, the food is delicious, making it a popular town that many people are likely to enjoy.

Among the many B&Bs in Penzance, Holbein House is renowned for its exceptional hospitality. Despite my initial reservations about UK B&Bs, this place offered a delightful experience.

To explain what a B&B is, particularly in the context of the UK: as I mentioned earlier, small towns in the UK often don't have chain hotels or large accommodations. This enhances the town's atmosphere. In such towns, the system of family-run accommodations, akin to Japanese inns (Ryokan), where spare rooms are rented out and breakfast is provided, is well-developed. Although they may be housed in Victorian buildings and don't feel like traditional inns, these establishments are typically small and personal.

Holbein House is situated on a street lined with Victorian buildings, just a bit inland from the Penzance coastline. As I looked around after parking the car, I noticed several B&Bs in the vicinity. The host waved to us from the second floor, and their adorable dog, Elvis, came out to greet us. I was puzzled as to how they knew we were the guests, given that they didn’t know our arrival time or what we looked like. It must be a professional instinct. This warm welcome immediately made us feel at home. Elvis, the B&B’s guardian, moved in a way that was remarkably human-like, suggesting that he might have been a human in a past life. Occasionally, you encounter a dog or cat whose behavior is unusually human, and Elvis certainly fell into that category. Everything about him was different, creating a world and atmosphere that seemed to pull you into a story.

After a round of greetings, we were shown to our room, and it was indeed impressive. The room was impeccably clean, reminding me of the cleanliness standard in Japan. The furnishings, though likely old, were historical pieces that had become antiques. The labels like "Towel" and "Shirt" were neatly embedded into oak shelves with a rich, varnished patina, exuding a classic British charm.

Later, we went out to explore Penzance and had a delightful dinner. As we relaxed before bedtime, the sound of birds chirping softly among the lush trees brought to mind Haruki Murakami’s "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle." The birds’ calls were clear but not intrusive, and amidst this serene setting, I drifted off into a profoundly deep sleep. It was a remarkably restful sleep, the kind I hadn't experienced in a long time. There seemed to be a special energy at work here, a sensation that was both familiar and unique, possibly because Penzance is close to the end of the world. Perhaps there is a mysterious force or energy field at play here, making it feel like a power spot.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt incredibly refreshed, having enjoyed such high-quality sleep. The "wind-up birds" were still chirping, adding to the enchanting atmosphere and immersion.

Our host invited us to the lovely living room for a delicious English breakfast, and today, we are heading to the UK’s Mont Saint-Michel, St. Michael's Mount.

I can’t help but wonder, what is the source of this cozy atmosphere at Holbein House?

