To the end of land~世界の終わりへ (2)Land’s End
ロンドンからLand's Endにクルマで向かう道は大まかに3つあって、少し北回りを走り、お風呂の語源の地であるBathを通って行く道、目的地までの真ん中を突っ走って、途中世界遺産のStonehengeを通る道、南側を通り、Pilgrim Fathersがアメリカ大陸に向けて出航したPlymouthを通る道等があります。勿論組み合わせは無数にある訳ですが、大まかにこの三つのどれかを通ってひたすら西へと進むことになります。
それから、これはLand's Endに限らないのですが、UKはその旅の善し悪しがとても天気に左右されるため、これは大きな掛けです。天気が良い日にCornwallに行ければそれは素敵な旅になりますし、仮に天気が優れない場合には、もしかしたらその自然の神々しさは半減してしまうかもしれませんが、実際に僕はその状況に遭っていないので、まあこれは何とも言えないことかも知れません。何といっても、UKの天気は一日の中でも大きく変化しますので、天気になることを祈り道を進みましょう。必ず良いことがあると思います。
ロンドンから五時間余りの運転の末、イングランドの西の果てのLand's Endに到着します。今回も天気が本当に良く、Land's Endから眺める景色は海がキラキラと輝き時間を忘れて海を眺めていました。凄く派手な景色ではないのですが、落ち着いていて、晴れた穏やかなLand's Endは、ああ、生きていて良かったなと思わせてくれる場所の一つです。
その後Cornish Pieも食べて、次の目的地のMinack Theatreに向かいます。
There are roughly three main routes to drive from London to Land's End: one takes a slightly northern path through Bath, the origin of the term "bath"; another goes straight through the middle, passing by the World Heritage site of Stonehenge; and the third takes a southern route through Plymouth, where the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for America. Of course, there are countless possible combinations, but these are the three primary routes, all leading west.
My recommendation is the middle route that passes right by Stonehenge. This way, if Stonehenge turns out to be underwhelming as the final destination, you won't be too disappointed. Instead, if you happen to see Stonehenge on your way, it will feel like a lucky bonus and add to your travel experience.
Another important factor to consider is the weather, which greatly influences the quality of any trip in the UK. If you can visit Cornwall on a sunny day, it will be a fantastic journey. If the weather is not favorable, the natural beauty might be somewhat diminished. Personally, I haven't experienced bad weather during my trips, but this is something to keep in mind. The weather in the UK can change drastically within a single day, so it's best to hope for good weather and enjoy the journey regardless. There is always something wonderful to experience.
Driving in the UK is generally comfortable, and I find it to be the most enjoyable country to drive in. This might be due to the fact that the car was invented here. The roads are mainly roundabouts, minimizing the need for traffic lights. Although driving manners have slightly declined compared to 20 years ago, they are still quite good. The winding roads add to the pleasure of driving, reminding you of the joy of maneuvering a car.
After driving for a little over five hours from London, you will arrive at Land's End, the westernmost tip of England. The weather was splendid this time as well, and the view from Land's End, with the sea sparkling in the sunlight, made me forget the passage of time. The scenery isn't particularly dramatic, but the calm and serene atmosphere of Land's End on a clear day makes it one of those places that make you feel glad to be alive.
After enjoying a Cornish pie, we headed to our next destination, the Minack Theatre.