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I went to work today. The work today was boring, but I completed it peacefully. Also, I chatted with co-worker which went smoothly as well. After work, I planned to go to the gym, but I didn't. Instead, I went to a book shop. Before I got home, I bought 2 bottles of water. I enjoyed two cups of coffee, one before work and another at lunchtime.
I listened to a podcast on my way home. Today's episode was about depression. It is introduced the situation in Uganda. I liked the word of "depression free".
◎ パンクチュアル労働をこなした
◎ わりと平和な一日
◎ 朝コーヒーと昼缶コーヒーをたのしんだ
◎ 雲を眺めた
◎ おいしいご飯が食べられた
◎ 本屋ぶらぶらできた