
【Medical Waste Reduction Project 】The project name & Logo are decided!

The Medical Waste Reduction Project, launched as a part of the Nomachi Accelerator Program, has decided the official name and logo of the project! In this article, I will briefly introduce the details of the decision and future activities. Please read to the end!

Project Name

I also got a nice logo.

I'll talk about the origin of the name and future direction in the next chapter.

Background of the Decision

  • The idea behind the project came from the feeling of "What a waste!" when I saw the waste generated at medical facilities. I named it the Medical Waste Reduction Project and started the project.
    During my research and field visits, I realized the following:

  • The problem is not just that there is a lot of garbage.
    →I realized that incineration of garbage is causing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting climate change and that climate change is harming the environment and people's health are problems.

  • "Medical Waste Reduction Project" is difficult to communicate true intent.
    →I began to feel that the name focused on reducing waste and did not convey the original intention of protecting the environment and people's health.

In addition, participating in Planetary Health Expert Meeting,
I was reminded of the reality of the Japanese medical industry, that "things that cost money" and "things that require patience" are hard to accept.

Therefore, to realize a circular economy in Japan's medical industry, this project was named in the hope that it would become a source for sharing wisdom and technology with all "comrades" involved in the medical industry, including medical institutions, medical device manufacturers, industrial waste companies, and others, and putting them into practice to achieve the goal.

Future Activities

Through my research so far, I have felt it is an issue there is little information on the circular economy and decarbonization in the medical industry in Japan at present.

In response to this situation, SPRING MEDICAL EXCHANGE aims to realize a circular economy in the Japanese medical industry and plans to launch a media that disseminates useful information for people involved in the medical industry and anyone interested in the circular economy.

For details, see the following pages!

First of all, I would like to start a media that even students can do, and I would like to expand my network while deepening my knowledge of this field and increasing what I can do in the future.

I will be actively updating my activities.
Please look forward to it and support us!
Thank you very much for reading the article through to the end!

Nomachi Accelerator Program
Youth Innovator,
Ayasa Terada

