1. 問題編
1.1.1. 初級レベル1
A. 自己効力感は、他人との比較に基づく。
B. 自己効力感は、自分が状況に対処できると信じる度合い。
C. 自己効力感は、過去の成功経験に関係ない。
D. 自己効力感は、生まれつき持っている性質で変わらない。
Which of the following statements about self-efficacy is correct?
A. Self-efficacy is based on comparisons with others.
B. Self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to cope with situations.
C. Self-efficacy is unrelated to past successful experiences.
D. Self-efficacy is an unchangeable innate trait.
1.1.2. 初級レベル2
A. 心理的安全性は、自分の意見や感情を表現することができる環境のこと。
B. 心理的安全性は、物理的に安全な環境のこと。
C. 心理的安全性は、ストレスが全くない状態のこと。
D. 心理的安全性は、自分だけが安全を感じる状態のこと。
Which of the following statements about psychological safety is correct?
A. Psychological safety is an environment where one can express their opinions and feelings.
B. Psychological safety refers to a physically safe environment.
C. Psychological safety is a state without any stress.
D. Psychological safety is a state where only oneself feels safe.
1.1.3. 初級レベル3
A. 達成動機は、成功を目指す欲求のこと。
B. 達成動機は、他人と競争する欲求のこと。
C. 達成動機は、自分の能力を維持する欲求のこと。
D. 達成動機は、安全性を求める欲求のこと。
Which of the following statements about achievement motivation is correct?
A. Achievement motivation is the desire to strive for success.
B. Achievement motivation is the desire to compete with others.
C. Achievement motivation is the desire to maintain one's abilities.
D. Achievement motivation is the desire for safety.
1.2. 中級レベル
Explain the Self-Determination Theory.
1.3. 上級レベル
From the perspective of group dynamics, explain the factors that influence communication and decision-making within a team, providing specific examples.
2.1.1. 初級レベル1
解答: B
詳細のテーマ: 自己効力感
解説: 自己効力感は、自分が状況に対処できると信じる度合いです。過去の成功経験や他人からの励ましなど、様々な要因が自己効力感を高めることができます。
Answer: B
Detailed Theme: Self-efficacy
Explanation: Self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to cope with situations. Various factors, such as past successful experiences and encouragement from others, can enhance self-efficacy.
2.1.2. 初級レベル2
解答: A
詳細のテーマ: 心理的安全性
解説: 心理的安全性は、自分の意見や感情を表現することができる環境のことです。このような環境では、個人はリスクを冒しても批判されないことを期待できます。
Answer: A
Detailed Theme: Psychological safety
Explanation: Psychological safety refers to an environment where one can express their opinions and feelings. In such an environment, individuals can expect not to be criticized even when taking risks.
2.1.3. 初級レベル3
解答: A
詳細のテーマ: 達成動機
解説: 達成動機は、成功を目指す欲求のことです。達成動機の高い人は、目標を達成するために努力し、自己改善に取り組む傾向があります。
Answer: A
Detailed Theme: Achievement motivation
Explanation: Achievement motivation is the desire to strive for success. Individuals with high achievement motivation tend to work hard to achieve their goals and engage in self-improvement.
2.2. 中級レベル
詳細のテーマ: 自己決定理論
解説: 自己決定理論は、人々の内発的動機づけと外発的動機づけを説明する心理学理論です。内発的動機づけは、興味や好奇心によって引き起こされる動機づけであり、外発的動機づけは、報酬や罰によって引き起こされる動機づけです。自己決定理論では、3つの基本的な心理的ニーズ(自己統制、能力、関係性)が満たされることが、内発的動機づけの向上につながるとされています。
Detailed Theme: Self-Determination Theory
Explanation: Self-Determination Theory is a psychological theory that explains people's intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is driven by interest and curiosity, while extrinsic motivation is driven by rewards and punishments. The theory posits that fulfilling three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) leads to an improvement in intrinsic motivation.
2.3. 上級レベル
詳細のテーマ: グループダイナミクスとチームのコミュニケーション・意思決定
解説: グループダイナミクスは、チーム内の個人間の相互作用を研究する分野です。チームのコミュニケーションと意思決定に影響を与える要因には、リーダーシップ、役割分担、心理的安全性、コミュニケーションスタイル、グループシンクなどがあります。
Detailed theme: Group dynamics and team communication & decision-making
Explanation: Group dynamics is the study of the interactions between individuals within a team. Factors that influence team communication and decision-making include leadership, role distribution, psychological safety, communication style, and groupthink.
Answer example 1:
Leadership style is one of the factors that greatly influences team communication and decision-making. Democratic leadership style encourages team members to freely share their opinions and participate in the decision-making process. In contrast, directive leadership style involves the leader taking charge of decision-making and expecting team members to follow their instructions. In laissez-faire leadership, leaders give autonomy to team members, allowing them to make decisions on their own in pursuit of their goals.
Psychological safety refers to an environment where team members feel comfortable taking risks and sharing opinions. In teams with high psychological safety, members can express their opinions even in the face of disagreement, without fear of being negated or criticized by others. This environment has a positive impact on team communication and decision-making and helps foster innovation and problem-solving.
Answer example 2:
Role distribution is an important element that influences team communication and decision-making. When team members have clear roles and responsibilities and the appropriate authority to fulfill those roles, team efficiency and productivity improve. If roles are not clearly defined, communication can become chaotic and decision-making may be delayed.
Communication style is a factor that influences team communication and decision-making. Effective communication styles allow team members to accurately convey information and avoid misunderstandings. In contrast, ineffective communication styles can result in insufficient information transmission and increased misunderstandings. By maintaining an appropriate communication style, teams can facilitate a smooth decision-making process.
Groupthink is a phenomenon in which members with differing opinions self-regulate their views to maintain cohesion and unity within the team. When groupthink occurs, teams may make decisions without fully considering risks or alternatives. To prevent this phenomenon, it is important for leaders and team members to respect diverse opinions and create an environment that encourages discussion.