


 まだ朝靄の残る校舎の廊下を歩きながら、新任校長のケンはかつての恩師、Mr. Mayの言葉を思い出していた。「教育心理学者としての視点も大事だが、学校を導く力を持つかもしれない。」当時は「リーダーなんて自分には無理だ」と逃げ腰だったケンも、やがて自分のBeliefs(信条)・Values(価値観)・Vision(ビジョン)を整理することで“ありたいリーダー像”が少しずつ見えてきた。スタッフや保護者と共有したその思いは、学校の入り口に掲げた一冊のノートに結晶している。そこには、子どもたちの未来をいかに育み、どんな学びの環境を創造するか、皆が描いた希望の数々が詰まっていた。肩書に縛られるのではなく、自ら信じる道を皆で共に創り上げる。その小さな一歩が、学校全体を新しい光で包み込みはじめている。

A Leader Guiding New Light

Walking through the school’s corridor in the early morning mist, the newly appointed principal, Ken, recalled the words of his former mentor, Mr. May: “While your expertise in educational psychology is invaluable, you might also possess the power to lead a school.” At first, Ken was convinced that leadership was beyond him. Yet, by clarifying his Beliefs, Values, and Vision, a vision of the leader he aspired to be gradually emerged. The insights he shared with the staff and parents have taken shape in a single notebook displayed at the school entrance, where everyone can see how they intend to nurture the future of their students and create an ideal learning environment. Rather than be confined by titles, they co-create the path they believe in. Though small, this collective step has already begun to illuminate the entire school with a new sense of purpose.
