unknown 4 types of Yoga
My brother gave me home work re-writing about
4 types yoga. Then, I googled them and read several articles about it in Japanese to grasp these key points as much as possible.
I'm not sure my understanding are correct,but I felt the time when I read these artiles was very delightful time as I could found unknown ideas a lots.
1-Hata/raj yoga
Originaly, Raja (Raj?) stands for King.
Raj yoga practice is stand from
>Mental control by meditation
>Physical training (This part is callsed as Hata yoga)
>Technical ? practice (I didn't get the details of technique in Raj yoga though)
Aim of Raj yoga is control our mind by above training, and learn the mind when we work for yoga.
2-Jana/gyan yoga
Jana yoga students must master "Karma yoga"
and "Bakti yoga" in advance, and they are better to learn Jana yoga from teacher and scripture.
At this part, students face themselves to find out
"True selves" through Jana yoga.
Do meditation while feel emptiness, and recognize powerful energy from unity pour down to their body.
I felt the method closer to Ko-an zen practice.
That's also require Zen master and have to find out best answer toward to difficult question from the master. Students try to find out the best answer based on their knowledge and experiences.
3-Karma yoga
This yoga is known as Action ? or React yoga.
We watch our mind through every act, for example ;
I recharge some cup of water for my gods or plants every morning.
Nobody praise what to do, however sometimes plants give a smile for me, or sometimes they get mad as I forgot give enough water or fertilizer.
That's a result toward to what I did for them.
As I don't have my kids, growing up Bonsai plants like a taking care of my own kids. I can quit it anytime, but I continue their care over 6 years.
At the fist several years, I treated them roughly cuz my knowledge was also poor.
Key point of Karma yoga might be learn unconditional love or unconditional behavior.
Not to stick paticular things, and not focus on rewards toward every daily action.
We should focus on our feelings or attitude for any movement as a mind practice.
4-Bhakti yoga
This part is the most simple but difficult to write in English for me.
Simply to say, Bakti yoga is Devotion .
We get rid of our ego by praying for Krishna.
"Bhagavad Gita" scripture explains the detail.
By praying for Krishna, it is said that we will be released from our ego.
Bhakti yoga created to spread mental cure for every people without their status. Yoga Sutras exist before that, but the training required some rules, so it was tough to do for most of people who have a job.
Bhakti yoga is easy to do anytime , anywhere.
Mantra also will be helpful to calm our mind.
This is just summerize these rough understanding of mine, but I understand these 4 yoga connected to keep our mind helthy and purely.
Anyway, I would like to try praying Krishna at the first practice ! I will try to keep updating about these yoga!