






問題1 Sleep is essential for our well-being. Tom 1 about the importance of sleep for years. Last night, he 2 a documentary about sleep disorders. While he 3 the documentary, he 4 that he had been experiencing some sleep issues himself. He 5 t

    • (初級)演習問題:時制

      問題1 以下の文章を読み、文脈からそれぞれの数字に入る適切なものを選択肢(a)~(d)からそれぞれ選びなさい。 There is a girl who loves TikTok. She 1 short, funny videos every day. Yesterday, she 2 a video of a new dance challenge. She 3 that dance challenge a few days ago. While she was lear

      • 500words : 2ちゃんねるの歴史

        英文 2channel, also known as 2ch, is a popular Japanese internet forum. It was founded in 1999 by Hiroyuki Nishimura and quickly gained a large following. The site allowed users to post anonymously and discuss a wide range of topics, from new

        • 桃太郎の異世界転生記⑤

          英文 As they walked, they encountered other people who shared their passion for otaku culture. Some of these people were also card game duelists, and they had come to join the fight against the mysterious creatures. The group of otaku and due


        • 英文法演習:時制
        • 英語長文演習/400words - 500words
        • 英語長文演習/300words
