
都市と自然と未来 City, Nature, and the Future


This week, I am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


The moment I stepped into this city, I felt a sense of grounding, as if I had returned to the real world from the unique floating sensation I experienced in Bali. Walking through the city, I encountered a unique urban space where modern skyscrapers and lush nature are beautifully intertwined.


Walking through Kuala Lumpur, I am reminded of other major Asian cities. The crisscrossing subway system resembles Bangkok. For example, the MRT Blue Line connects Bukit Bintang to Central Market, bustling with shoppers and tourists. Meanwhile, the presence of the elevated monorail evokes the atmosphere of Chicago. The sight of the KL Monorail running from KL Sentral Station to Bukit Bintang is reminiscent of Chicago's Loop.


When I stay in a new city, I walk around endlessly. What impressed me most while walking through this city is the remarkable harmony between urbanity and nature. Thanks to the year-round warm climate, street trees thrive, and even amid the skyscraper canyons, you can hear birds chirping amidst the sounds of traffic. For example, you can see tropical plants growing between shopping malls, and occasionally beautiful butterflies fluttering around. The presence of greenery clearly provides a valuable mental relaxation effect for city dwellers.


On a Sunday during my stay, while exploring the city around 9 AM, I encountered people who had just finished a running event (all wearing the same participant T-shirts). This sight made me reconsider the importance of maintaining physical fitness. Fitness gradually declines if not consciously maintained. However, even light exercise is more effective than doing nothing. The year-round warm climate in Malaysia might naturally encourage physical activity. In fact, I often see people jogging early in the morning in Kuala Lumpur. The sight of many people running in lush parks with the Twin Towers in the background seems to symbolize the coexistence of the city and a healthy lifestyle.

また、街の中心部には、広々とした公園が点在しています。日曜の午後、KLCCパークを訪れると、子供たちが遊具で楽しそうに遊ぶ姿が目に入りました。滑り台やブランコ、ジャングルジムなど、様々な遊具で体を動かす子供たちの笑顔が印象的でした。この光景は、最近読んだ「Anxious Generation」という本の内容を思い出させました。筆者はデジタル世界に没頭し、体を動かさない現代の子供たちの成長が阻害されているという主張をしていますが、改めて都市計画における子供の遊び場の重要性を強く感じました。

Moreover, spacious parks are scattered throughout the city center. Visiting KLCC Park on a Sunday afternoon, I saw children happily playing on the playground equipment. The smiles of children moving around on slides, swings, and jungle gyms were striking. This sight reminded me of a book I recently read, "Anxious Generation." The author argues that the growth of today's children, engrossed in the digital world and not moving their bodies, is being hindered. I felt anew the importance of playgrounds in urban planning.


I believe the greatest asset of a city is its children. Seeing adults running in the city while children move around on various playground equipment makes me glimpse a bright future for the country. The balance of the city, nature, and children might be crucial in shaping the future of a city. Kuala Lumpur magnificently blends modern urban functions, rich natural environments, and places for the healthy growth of children. This harmony might be the vision of a sustainable and vibrant city.
