
身体性を取り戻す Reclaiming physicality


This week, I am in Bali, Indonesia.


Indeed, southern islands are wonderful, especially in Asia. Perhaps it's fair to say they suit me. This is my first time in Indonesia, but even after just one day, I feel like I've been here for a long time. Maybe it's because I understand the ways of the land; I feel I've quickly adapted. It’s been a week of living with my shoulders relaxed.


Upon arriving in Bali, I felt a strange sense of floating. My body was tired, but my mind kept running, filled with a sensation of noise. Tokyo is overflowing with advertisements everywhere. Whether on the train or walking through the city, information constantly bombards the brain like waves. It's said that the amount of information modern people encounter in a single day equals a year's worth in the Edo period and a lifetime's worth in the Heian period.


With the rapid progress of digitalization and the increasing amount of information, have we evolved to cope with it? Homo sapiens have evolved over tens of thousands of years, but it seems our evolution hasn't kept pace with the changes of the last few hundred years. As a result, I feel our bodies and minds are out of balance. We have advanced and evolved using our large brains, but it’s also true that, like in the hunting-gathering era, our bodies are a significant asset and advantage.


On the first day, I felt that floating sensation, but on the second day, just going to the beach, listening to the sound of the waves, and walking along the coast, the noise in my head gradually disappeared. The sound of the waves has a 1/f fluctuation that relaxes our minds. Relaxation here means balancing the mind and body. In other words, regaining physicality. In a world surrounded by digital, I feel the magic of southern islands is profound. Staring blankly at the wide sky and observing the shapes of passing clouds can have the same effect.


That's not all. Bali has room for margins. Indeed, the island is crowded with tourists, mainly Australians, and the roads are heavily congested, but the people seem to spend their time leisurely, unbound by rules. The same goes for the gym. I went to a semi-outdoor gym without air conditioning, where locals worked out barefoot or in beach sandals. Inside, children ran around, and in the next room, housewives were enthusiastically doing boot camps with loud music. It may not be an ideal environment, but it has room for margins, and I feel it draws out the raw, rugged nature of humans. The sweat that pours out from my pores during a workout feels like a detox for a body immersed in the digital world.


I personally believe that these margins and human qualities stimulate creativity. No matter how many innovation hubs are created in the city, they might just be superficial creativity. If the balance between mind and body is disrupted, and if there are no margins, we cannot unleash our inherent power (including the use of technology). First, we need to remove the accumulated noise in our heads and regain our physical senses. This might actually be the key to innovation.

For those who want to enjoy this week’s essay in a musical version, check out below!

