
伝統文化のアップデート Reimagining tradition


I'm still in Bangkok this week.


As I mentioned last week, Bangkok is bustling with the traditional New Year celebration called the Songkran Festival. People walking the streets are armed with water guns, always ready to start spraying at any moment. Even those without water guns make sure their smartphones are secured in waterproof cases around their necks. A friend of mine from Japan also visited Bangkok specifically for Songkran, but why does this festival attract so many people, including foreign tourists?


First, it's interactive entertainment. The stars of this festival are the participants themselves. On major streets, everyone squirts water at each other, or they combine the water-throwing with a music festival to create one large event. It's a fantastic example of how traditional celebrations can be updated and transformed into entertainment.


Second, it allows adults to become kids again. For many, including myself, water guns bring back memories of childhood summers. But how often do adults genuinely get to enjoy water guns? At Songkran, you see adults enthusiastically soaking each other, truly recreating a space where they can return to their childhood.


Third, the entire city, indeed the whole country, creates a collective atmosphere. Store clerks in shopping malls and convenience store staff also wear similar outfits, such as Hawaiian shirts, contributing to a festive mood throughout the town. This atmosphere further enhances the enjoyment for all participants.


The charm of the Songkran Festival lies in these three elements: interactive entertainment, a space where adults can revert to childhood, and a collective atmosphere cultivated by the entire city.


By the way, last year, Takafumi Horie, also known as Horie-mon, held a hot-water throwing festival in Beppu, inspired by Songkran. The Halloween event that used to take place in Shibuya, Tokyo, can also be categorized under such events.


These are certainly attractive as forms of entertainment, but there is also a need to reinterpret traditional Japanese cultural events as "participatory entertainment" and enhance them as attractive events for inbound tourists. For example, by modernizing cultural assets unique to Japan, such as Bon dances, Awa Odori, or portable shrine (mikoshi) parades, we might provide enjoyable opportunities for foreign tourists.


There is much to learn from the Songkran Festival that could help form a new inbound strategy for Japan. The fusion of traditional culture and contemporary entertainment could also contribute to regional revitalization. Japan and Thailand, tradition and modernity. Everything is a remix.

