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Suga defends government's coronavirus policies

Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide defended the government's policies against the coronavirus while answering questions about his recent policy speech in the Diet. In the Lower House on Wednesday, Constitutional Democratic Party leader Edano Yukio accused Suga of delaying necessary measures against the virus by ignoring public opinion. Edano said this resulted in what can only be described as an infection explosion. He urged Suga to acknowledge his misjudgment and apologize for it.
・defend 守る、防御する、擁護する、肩を持つ、〔~を〕主張する
・Constitutional Democratic Party 立憲民主党
・constitutional 構成上の、憲法(上)の、立憲的な、合法の
Suga dismissed suggestions that he had been slow in responding to the pandemic due to groundless optimism. He pledged to take necessary steps to protect people's lives and livelihoods and to maintain jobs and businesses while containing the spread of the virus. Edano referred to the proposed revision of the legislation on infectious diseases, and raised strong objections to a possible penalty of even imprisonment for violations. He said the government should fulfill its responsibility and improve support for those infected ※so as to induce the public to cooperate rather than force them to abide by restrictions.
・groundless 事実に基づかない、事実無根の、根拠のない、正当な理由のない
・pledge ~を誓約させる、誓う、誓約する、保証する
・imprisonment 〔刑務所への〕投獄、拘禁、禁錮、懲役、収監、監禁
・abide (場所に)とどまる,滞在する,(人の家に)居住する
・abide by〈決定・規則などに〉従う,…を守る,順守する

※「so as to 」と「 in order to」 の違い


「so as to」の特徴 


「in order to」の特徴

Suga said the revision aims to prevent the spread of infections while giving sufficient consideration to the rights of individuals. He said penalties would be introduced to punish those who refuse to be hospitalized, for example.
Suga said the government will listen to the opinions of governing and opposition parties and aim to submit a bill to the Diet as soon as possible.
Ohsaka Seiji, also of the Constitutional Democratic Party, questioned about the recent cases with an apparent coronavirus variant prevalent in Britain. On Monday, three people in Shizuoka Prefecture without history of overseas travel were confirmed with the variant. Ohsaka suggested that the new infections without any known contact represent a human-induced disaster caused by Suga, who, he said, had stuck to maintaining travel of businesspeople.
・human-induced 人為的な
Suga countered that he quickly tightened quarantine measures for arrivals from countries and territories where a variant had been confirmed. He said the government has steadily put necessary quarantine measures in place while keeping a close eye on infection situations in Japan and abroad.
Suga also pledged to do all he can to overcome the virus ahead of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics later this year. He said the government has been studying the specific measures to prevent infections by consulting with the International Olympic Committee and other bodies to ensure safe games in Tokyo.
・quarantine (伝染病予防のために)隔離する;〈船・乗客を〉検疫する
名 (人・動物などに対する)隔離、検疫
・keep a close eye on (something/someone)
状況を注視する。誰かの世話をする、面倒をみる≒look after


CDC(アメリカ疾病予防管理センター)ウェブサイトの「Quarantine and Isolation」のページによると
「Quarantine」 感染症に感染した可能性がある人の隔離
「Isolation」  感染症に感染した人の隔離

以上、1月21日 NHK WORLD JAPANより引用

※文章はNHK WORLD JAPANからの引用です。

