Dobrý večer, som fanúšikom Kjótskej univerzity(Hello from Slovakia)
Afternoon we'll have English test.Actually I didn't study anything, so I'm not sure if I can get good points,but I'll try doing my best.
Next week we'll have Math test,so I have to study these too.
And 11/8 we'll have 進研模試.We'll have 6 subjects(国語、数学、英語、現代社会、世日地B、生物、化学),so I have to study all of these subjects.
In addition,I am to have a tournament at 11/3 and 11/4,so I need training.
I'm too busy,so I can't concentrate to study for the exams next year.
What should I do?
Tell me at the commentary if you have an idea.(it's difficult for me to make schedule or concentrate for too long)
So,uvidíme sa zajtra!(see you tomorrow!)
最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございます! もしよければ、ぜひサポートをよろしくお願いいたします。 ほかの学生と同じような大学生活を送るためには、多大な学費が必要ですので、とても助かります! どうか、よろしくお願いします!(o*。_。)oペコッ