
【英訳】侏儒の言葉24: 地獄



The Inferno

Life is still more hellish than the hell itself. The torment that the inferno imposes on you has never violated its regular laws. For example, the agony you would suffer in the realm of hungry ghosts is like your meal burns in flames every time you are to take it to your mouth. However, the suffering that life gives you is, unfortunately, not so simple as this. When you are to eat your meal, sometimes you will have it in flames, whereas sometimes you can eat it with greater ease than you expected.  Besides, even after eating it easily, sometimes your intestine may suffer from catarrh, and sometimes it may be able to digest the food with greater ease than anticipated. It is not easy for anyone to adapt to such a world as this, where there is no rule at all. Were I fallen into the inferno, I could, I am sure, even steal a meal in the hell of hunger, in the blink of an eye. Still more, I could surely stay without feeling any pain if I lived in and got used to the mountain of needles or the blood pond for a couple of years.


