Earthly Paradise
Many poems have been written in praise of the earthly paradise scenery, but unfortunately, I have never ever thought of living in any of those poets’ paradises on earth. The Christian paradise is, after all, a boring panorama, and the paradise for those studying Taoist philosophy is nothing more than a dreary Chinese restaurant. Still less, so-called 'utopia' in the modern times - I am sure each of you remembers William James was made to shudder at it.
The paradise that I’ve been dreaming of is far from a natural greenhouse as such, nor is it any place serving both as a school and a distribution centre where you can receive some food stuff and clothing. If you lived there, you would see the parents necessarily pass away as soon as their children have come of age. What is more, siblings would never cause any trouble against each other, since they would never be born an idiot though some of them might be born wicked. Furthermore, upon getting married, women would become domesticated and thus they would never fail to obey their husbands. Moreover, whether they are boys or girls, children could be deaf, dumb, cowardly and blind as many times a day as their parents would like them to be. In addition, friend A would never get poorer than his friend B, nor, at the same time, would B get richer than A is, and they would feel happiest and most satisfied when they praise each other. Additionally - anyway, that’s roughly what I am dreaming of.
This is by no means the earthly paradise merely for me. This is, at the same time, the one also for those pious people you can find all over the world. Poets and scholars from ancient times, though, have not dreamt of these sceneries in their sacred meditations, which is really no wonder. For these sceneries are full of too realistic happiness to dream of.
Appendix: my nephew wishes to purchase a portrait painted by Rembrandt, but he never dreams of getting the allowance of ten yen. This, too, is because ten yen is too realistic to dream of.
地上楽園の光景はしばしば詩歌にもうたわれている。が、わたしはまだ残念ながら、そういう詩人の地上楽園に住みたいと思った覚えはない。キリスト教徒の地上楽園は畢竟退屈なるパノラマである。黄老の学者の地上楽園もつまりは索漠としたシナ料理屋に過ぎない。いわんや近代のユウトピアなどは ― ウィルヤム・ジェエムスの戦慄したことはなんびとの記憶にも残っているであろう。
わたしの夢見ている地上楽園はそういう天然の温室ではない。同時にまたそういう学校を兼ねた食糧や衣服の配給所でもない。ただここに住んでいれば、両親は子供の成人と共に必ず息を引き取るのである。それから男女の兄弟はたとい悪人に生まれるにもしろ、ばかには決して生まれない結果、少しも迷惑をかけ合わないのである。それから女は妻となるや否や、家畜の魂を宿すために従順そのものに変わるのである。それから子供は男女を問わず、両親の意志や感情どおりに、一日のうちに何回でも聾と唖と腰抜けと盲目になることができるのである。それから甲の友人は乙の友人よりも貧乏にならず、同時にまた乙の友人は甲の友人よりも金持ちにならず、互いに相手をほめ合うことに無上の満足を感ずるのである。それから ― ざっとこういうところを思えばよい。
付記 わたしの甥はレンブラントの肖像画を買うことを夢みている。しかし彼の小遣いを十円貰うことは夢みていない。これも十円の小遣いはあまりに真実の幸福にあふれすぎているからである。