シャーロック・ホームズ 『第二の汚点』の原作とテレビ版を見て気が付いたこと
原文では下のようになっています。イギリス英語の the second floor は、3階を意味します。このホームズの発言より前に、寝室が3階にあることを依頼者が話した記述はありません。なお、テレビ版では、寝室の場所についての会話はありません。
"I understand you to say that your room is on the second floor, that there is no entrance from without, and that from within no one could go up unobserved.”
タイトル写真は、コナン・ドイル『シャーロック・ホームズの帰還』新潮文庫、1953年 より引用
What I noticed when I saw the original and TV version of Sherlock Holmes's "Second Stain"
I saw the "Second Stain" of the "Sherlock Holmes" series recorded by my family. After that, I also read back the original novel. There are two things I noticed. I think the former is an oversight of the author. I'm not sure about the latter because I don't have any knowledge of the history of tobacco in England. It's a trivial matter, but I'd like to keep a record.
1.In the original story, Holmes says that the bedroom where the loss occurred is on the 3rd floor without any information from the client.
In the original text, it is written as follows. In British English, the second floor means the third floor. There is no mention of the client mentioning that the bedroom is on the third floor prior to this statement by Holmes. In the TV version, there is no conversation about the location of the bedroom.
"I understand you to say that your room is on the second floor, that there is no entrance from without, and that from within no one could go up unobserved.”
In the TV version, Holmes was smoking a cigarette while the client was looking for the letter in the box again.
2.In the TV version, Holmes was smoking a cigarette while the client was looking for the letter in the box again.
In the original, there is no description of Holmes smoking in this scene. Holmes is a smoker, but he has a strong impression of smoking a cigarette with a pipe. Wikipedia says about the beginning of cigarettes in Europe:
"It was already produced by hand in the latter half of the 19th century." "Cigarettes became mainstream in Europe, Japan and China after World War I, and in the United States after World War II. "
According to the Sherlockians , the "second stain" seems to be an incident in the latter half of the 19th century, so the cigarette that Holmes smoked may have been a handicraft, but it is subtle.
One last thing I want to write about. I borrowed "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" containing this "Second Stain" from the library, but the page in the middle of "The Second Stain" has a brown stain, which may be a blood stain. If it is intentional, it is an unforgivable act.
I want you to treat public things carefully.
The title photo is taken from Conan Doyle's "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" Shincho Bunko, 1953.