携帯電話の技術が進歩により、電波の利用効率が向上しています。例えば、4G LTEでは、3Gよりも多くのデータを効率的に伝送できるため、混雑した環境でも比較的スムーズに通信できます。
近年、駅や電車内など公共の場におけるWi-Fiの普及が進んでいます。 Wi-Fiは携帯電話の電波とは別の周波数帯を使用するため、携帯電話の電波が混雑している場合でも、Wi-Fiを利用することで快適に通信できます。
タイトル画像は、「フレームシフト(突然)変異とは? - 塩基の欠損/挿入により正常なタンパク質が合成されなくなること」より引用
When I read the Nikkei Shimbun article titled "Frameshift” by Shinichi Fukuoka, I had many questions (Part 4)
Previously, I wrote three articles about Shinichi Fukuoka's "frameshift'' article in the Nikkei Shimbun. This is the continuation and the last.
In these three articles,
1.Mr. Fukuoka did not mention the important statement in the original paper (Is it safe for people who have already been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine against the new coronavirus?)
2.The Nikkei Shimbun later published a corrected article regarding the errors in the first draft.
3.The Nikkei Shimbun concealed the existence of the error report in Fukuoka's article on its website, pointing out that the first draft had been revised directly.
There is one last thing I would like to write about.
When I was talking with DeNA Chairman Tomoko Namba, she said, "I hate it when scientific problems are explained using analogies." I had a new understanding.
Scientists often use metaphors to make difficult topics easier to understand. For example, "The reason mobile phones can be used by everyone even on crowded trains is because they packetize information. In other words, it's like dividing a large package into smaller parcels."
In particular, for problems that require management judgment, it is the detailed logic that is important.
Therefore, it is not good to speak inaccurately, although it makes people feel understood. Yes, I warned myself. So, this time as well, I would like to try to explain the significance of the treatise, rather than relying on analogies.
The chairman of DeNA said that he doesn't like it when scientific problems are explained using analogies.
Using this as a foothold, Mr. Fukuoka enthusiastically says, "For problems that require management judgment, it is the detailed logic that is important...I would like to try to explain the meaning of the paper rather than using analogies as much as possible."
Mr. Fukuoka must have been conscious of the Nikkei Shimbun's media when he explained such a simple matter by mentioning the name of the company's chairman.
But if this chairman or other corporate executives read his article, would they understand it?
Which is what Mr. Fukuoka wants to say?
For issues that require management judgment, it is the detailed logic that is more important.
It is important to explain in detail the very important findings regarding mRNA vaccines for the new coronavirus.
If it's the former, the subject matter he is trying to explain is too technical for readers to understand.
If it was the latter, it would have been so inaccurate that a corrected article would have to be published later.
Furthermore, Mr. Fukuoka's explanation of why cell phones can be used on crowded trains is itself inaccurate. Did Mr. Fukuoka know this and purposely give such an example?
There are four main reasons why you can use your mobile phone even on a crowded train.
1.The density of mobile phone base stations is increasing.
In recent years, the number of mobile phone users has increased, and the density of base stations has increased accordingly. Base stations are equipment for communicating with mobile phones, and the higher the density, the less likely the radio waves will be interrupted.
2.Mobile phone technology is progressing.
Advances in mobile phone technology have improved the efficiency with which radio waves are used. For example, 4G LTE can transmit more data more efficiently than 3G, so communication can be relatively smooth even in crowded environments.
3.Frequency reorganization is progressing
Traditionally, mobile phones used specific frequency bands, but in recent years, frequency reorganization has progressed and more frequency bands have been allocated to mobile phones. This increases the amount of available radio waves and reduces congestion.
4.Popularization of Wi-Fi
In recent years, Wi-Fi has become increasingly popular in public places such as stations and trains. Since Wi-Fi uses a different frequency band from mobile phone radio waves, you can comfortably communicate using Wi-Fi even when mobile phone radio waves are congested. For these reasons, mobile phones can now be used even on crowded trains. However, in areas where there are many users, the radio waves may be congested and communication speeds may be slow. Additionally, as mobile phone radio waves can affect the human body, it is important to refrain from using them for long periods of time and to respect manners when using them.
This is the generative AI's answer to why mobile phones can be used on crowded trains. It is certain that packet communication is contributing, but that alone is not a sufficient explanation.
Just as Mr. Fukuoka is not well-versed in areas outside of his area of expertise, many readers of the Nikkei Shimbun are probably not as knowledgeable as university students majoring in biology.
The original academic paper was a study of Pfizer-BioNTech's mRNA vaccine. Instead of the DeNA chairman's statement, Mr. Fukuoka should have investigated the status of similar research on other vaccines and posted the results.
I ended up writing it over four long periods. I have never seen an article that provides so many topics. In order to write the article, I looked at a high school biology textbook and searched about information and communication, which took some time, but it was interesting in its own way.
Although genetics and communication technology are different fields, it is interesting that they share the same theme of transmitting information and have common terms (such as frameshift in biology and Ethernet frame in communication).
The title image is taken from "What is a frameshift mutation? - Inhibition of normal protein synthesis due to base deletion/insertion"