



健康増進法において飲食店は原則屋内禁煙とされていますが、以下の3つの要件すべてに該当する飲食店(既存特定飲食提供施設)については、店内の一部または全部を喫煙可能にできる経過措置があります。経過措置の適用を受ける場合は 横浜市への届出が必要です。また、経過措置の期間は定められていません。





池谷幸雄氏「実は体操選手には喫煙者が多い」と指摘 体操界にまん延する環境も宮田に影響?」スポニチ、2024/7/19














Will there come a time when people will ask, "Cigarettes? What's that?"

There is a restaurant nearby that serves delicious lunch, and I used to go there occasionally, but I haven't been there recently because they allow smoking there and the place smells of cigarettes even at lunchtime.

I wondered why they would ruin such delicious food with cigarettes. I had thought that all restaurants were required by law to take measures against smoking, but when I looked into it, I found that this was not necessarily the case.

Under the Health Promotion Act, restaurants are generally prohibited from smoking indoors, but there are transitional measures that allow restaurants (existing specific food and beverage establishments) that meet all of the following three requirements to allow smoking in part or all of the restaurant. To apply for the transitional measures, a notification must be filed with Yokohama City. There is no set period for the transitional measures.
1.Operating as of April 1, 2020
2.Total capital or investment is 50 million yen or less
3.Seat area of ​​the restaurant is 100 square meters or less

"Existing specific food and beverage establishments and smoking facilities" Yokohama City

The same is true outside Yokohama. That restaurant probably meets these conditions, which is why people can smoke there. The food and beverage industry can't let go of nicotine addicts.

And according to former gymnast Yukio Ikeya, gymnasts can't let go of cigarettes either.

"The truth is, a lot of gymnasts are smokers," he pointed out, a surprising fact. "It's a sport that doesn't require a lot of endurance, but the mental pressure is great. Even my senior at university would go for a smoke after finishing each event," Iketani recalled. "The pressure is great even during practice, and quite a few gymnasts smoke to ease that pressure."

"Iketani Yukio points out, 'In fact, there are many smokers among gymnasts.' Could the prevalent environment in the gymnastics world also have an impact on Miyata?" Sponichi, 2024/7/19

The seniors around the athlete who "declined" to participate in the Olympics may have been smoking quite naturally.

As a non-smoker, I support the opinion in the article below.

Mental health and management of top athletes under high pressure is important, but there is no evidence that smoking or drinking alcohol can keep mental health healthy or manage it. When you become addicted to nicotine, you feel stressed due to nicotine deficiency, and when you smoke, it relieves that stress and makes you feel as if you are free from pressure. Many people also say that banning someone from participating in the Olympics for "just smoking" is too severe a punishment. However, smoking also causes harm to others in the form of passive smoking. It is estimated that passive smoking causes 15,000 deaths per year, which is far more than the number of deaths from drunk driving (a hundred and several hundred per year).
Why do people make such Showa-era statements as "just smoking"? Looking at the people who make these statements, it seems that most of them are middle-aged or older men. The smoking rate for men in this generation is still high at around 30%, and many of them are tolerant of cigarettes, as shown by the issue of smoking areas.

Masahiko Ishida: "Considering the "decline of the women's gymnastics team to participate in the Olympics" from the still widespread "Showa era mentality" that "it's just a cigarette"

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's 2022 Basic Survey on National Life, the smoking rate has been decreasing year by year.

The percentage of people who smoked was 25.4% for men and 7.7% for women. Smoking rates are surveyed every three years, and the rate for men dropped by 3.4 points and for women by 1.1 points from the previous survey in 2019. Both continue to decline. This is thought to be due to factors such as growing health consciousness and the implementation of the revised Health Promotion Act, which strengthened measures against passive smoking. As of 2001, 48.4% of men smoked, meaning that almost one in two people smoked. About 20 years have passed, and the number has decreased to one in four. By age group, the highest percentage of men was in their 40s at 34.6%, followed by those in their 50s at 32.6% and those in their 30s at 29.9%. For women, the highest percentage was in their 50s at 12.0%, followed by those in their 40s at 11.6% and those in their 30s at 9.0%. Although smokers in their 30s and 50s were prominent in both men and women, the percentage of smokers decreased in almost all age groups compared to the previous survey in 2019.

"Smoking rates fall to 25% for men and 7% for women" Nihon Keizai Shimbun, August 7, 2023

The gymnastics industry should not only punish smokers, but also provide athletes with healthy, legal ways to cope with stress.

The fictional sniper Golgo 13 also frequently underage smokes before and after a job. It may be that only people in special industries are becoming fond of cigarettes.

The Paris Olympics are finally over, and the screams of announcers and commentators on TV coverage have quieted down.

I remember examples of underage smoking becoming a problem, so I'll add them here. When Kinichi Hagimoto was constantly on TV, a weekly magazine scooped a photo of a 15-year-old high school girl who was a regular guest on his show smoking. Commercial TV stations and the weekly magazine industry gave it a lot of coverage, and she was temporarily suspended.
Professional baseball player Yu Darvish was also suspended from high school just before graduation after his smoking habit before joining a team was called into question.

The title photo is taken from "Cigarette Lucky Strike Collection 3D Model"
