前に書いた記事で、ピュエット&ロー『ハーバードの人生が変わる東洋哲学 悩めるエリートを熱狂させた超人気講義』という本を取り上げました。
The Western filter in "The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good life"
In the article I wrote before, I took up the Japanese translation of a book "The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good life". In it, I wrote that the title of the Japanese version is a decoration of the original title, but in fact, part of the content was also suspicious.
I borrowed it from the library and flipped through it, and it read like this.
What do you get out of it if you can continue to practice jin successfully? Confucius' disciples sometimes asked similar questions. More specifically, disciples ask Confucius if good deeds for others will be rewarded after death.
Confucius replied lightly. While you do not know life, how can you know about death?
Confucius' answer is not about whether or not we should believe in the existence of the other world. Instead, he stresses that we should focus on what we can do here and now to bring out the best in the people around us.
"While you do not know life, how can you know about death?" is a passage from the Analects.
Chi Lu asked about serving the spirits of the dead. The Master said, 'While you are not able to serve men, how can you serve their spirits?'
Chi Lu added, 'I venture to ask about death?' He was answered, 'While you do not know life, how can you know about death?'
"Disciples ask Confucius if good deeds for others will be rewarded after death." is a big lie.
This is like a question and answer between Christ and his disciples.
I don't know where in the Analects of the Analects is the sentence, "You should focus on what you can do here and now to bring out the best in the people around you."
I doubt whether the authors read the Analects properly. Or they may know the original text but have falsified it for Americans.
One lie undermines trust in the rest. For reference, here is a commentary on this part of the Analects by Mr. Kojiro Yoshikawa.
Also, there is this sentence:
The breakdown of old aristocratic religious institutions left the people of the Axial Age in search of new sources of truth and meaning.
According to Wikipedia, the "Axis Age" is "a great epoch in world history and civilization history that occurred around 500 BC, advocated by Karl Jaspers, a German philosopher and psychiatrist.
During this period, a hundred schools of children were active in China, Upanishads, Buddhism, and Jainism were established in India, Zarathustra (Zarathustra, Zoroaster) preached his own worldview in Iran, and Isaiah and Jeremiah in Palestine. Prophets appeared, and in Greece, the poet Homer and the three great philosophers, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, were produced, and became the source of later philosophies and religions. It seems to point to ".
However, the term "Axis Age" does not appear in high school world history (at least not in "New World History B" by Yamakawa Publishing). You may learn it in American high school, but most Japanese high school students don't know it. There are no translation notes. It is an unkind publisher.
This book is written about things that are likely to appeal to Americans who are unfamiliar with Eastern culture, so I think it is completely unsuitable for Japanese high school and university students.
If you want to know about Eastern philosophy, you should first study the original texts. After that, if you are interested, you should learn how Eastern philosophy looks to Westerners.
You may also enjoy knowing the unique filters of Westerners.