
私が買ったもの : その22 アニエス・ジアール『エロティック・ジャポン』河出書房新社、2010年


第1章 パンティ愛
第2章 恥の文化
第3章 水と蛸
第4章 おばけたちの物語
第5章 暴力
第6章 お人形
第7章 異性装と変身
第8章 男らしさの危機
第9章 女の子革命
第10章 セックス産業
第11章 大人の玩具





What I Bought: No.22 Agnes Giard's "L'imaginaire érotique au Japon", Kawade Shobo Shinsha, 2010

Last time, I posted an article titled "Being able to have a third party look at your lending history at the library. What I'm going to write about this time is a book I found at the city library. I was surprised to find this kind of book in the library. It took some courage for me to borrow this one, so I bought it. This book was first published in 2010, and a second printing came out in 2014, so it must have sold well, although it is expensive. It is a translation of a book that was originally published in France, but according to the translator's afterword, it sold well in France as well. The chapter names are as follows

Chapter 1: Panty Love
Chapter 2: The Culture of Shame
Chapter 3: Water and Octopuses
Chapter 4: The Story of Ghosts
Chapter 5: Violence
Chapter 6: Dolls
Chapter 7: Cross-dressing and Transformation
Chapter 8: The Crisis of Masculinity
Chapter 9: The Girl Revolution
Chapter 10 Sex Industry
Chapter 11: Adult Toys

The blurb on the online store reads as follows

"How is Japanese erotic culture viewed by the world? An up-and-coming French female journalist discusses the strange and overly fertile erotic images of Japan. The book contains about 300 illustrations of contemporary art, ukiyoe prints, and genre magazines.

There is nothing much to add to this book; it is 349 pages long, and I am amazed at the amount of research that has gone into such a subject. If I borrowed this book from the library and a third party saw the checkout record, I might feel embarrassed. Fortunately, this note is anonymous, so I don't mind, but there is a reason why I took the trouble to write about this book.

In this book, there is a serious article about Empress Masako(At the time this book was written, the Crown Princess). I believe that the French people who read this book must have a better understanding of Empress Masako and her husband. I would like to introduce the contents of the book in a separate article.
