



筑波大学(以下「本学」という。)は、昭和 48 年10 月に本学の前身である東京教育大学が筑波研究学園都市への移転を契機に「開かれた大学」「教育 と研究の新しい仕組み」「新しい大学自治」を特色とした総合大学として発 足した。 発足当初は新構想大学として理想的なキャンパスといわれていたが、筑波キャンパスにおける施設設備は、その大部分が発足時から 40 年以上経過した現在において一挙に老朽化が進行し、また東京キャンパスや附属学校等においても同様であり、その改善について必要な対策や予算の確保が大きな課題となっている。 今年度から第 3 期中期目標期間(平成 28 年度~33 年度)が始まり、本学の強みあるいは特長である「学際性」と「国際性」の向上を基本的な考え方として、学長のリーダーシップのもと様々な取り組みを行っている。 これらの取り組みを確実に実行するためには、その基盤となる施設・設備の改善が必要なことから、その必要な予算を国に要求しているが、国の厳しい財政状況のため、施設の老朽化や機能低下改善等の対策が十分でない状況となっている。 このような状況にあって、本学のキャンパスにおける施設・設備の維持管理等の在り方についての全体的な見直しと評価、そしてキャンパスマスタープラン2011 を見直した整備・改修計画の改訂、中長期的な修繕計画等の策定が緊喫の課題となっている。 施設・土地委員会では、このことを十分に認識し、平成 28 年 9 月にワー キンググループを設置し検討を進めてきた。 今回、本学における施設整備及び維持管理等の方向性を明らかにするために、インフラ長寿命化計画(行動計画)を作成し、本計画の着実な推進に取り組むこととする。





筑波大学新聞 第368号








一方、2020年度の大学進学率は54.4%に達し、過去最高を記録したという(大学ジャーナルオンライン「大学進学率、過去最高の54.4% 短大など合計で8割越え」)。


The aging of the university's facilities.

When I went to see the school festival of Tsukuba University about 15 years ago, even to the untrained eye, the school buildings, gymnasium and other facilities looked decrepit. I wondered if this would be okay, but in 2017, the roof of the crossing corridor collapsed.

The facility that collapsed was built in 1975. The facility had been under regular inspection. There were no victims. The university has posted such an action plan for aging.

Tsukuba University (hereinafter referred to as "the university") is an "open university" and "a new mechanism for education and research" when Tokyo University of Education, the predecessor of the University of Tsukuba, moved to Tsukuba Science City in October 1973. It was established as a comprehensive university featuring "new university autonomy". At the time of its inauguration, it was said to be an ideal campus as a new concept university, but most of the facilities and equipment on the Tsukuba campus have deteriorated all at once more than 40 years after its inauguration, and also on the Tokyo campus. The same is true for affiliated schools, etc., and securing necessary measures and budgets for improvement has become a major issue. The third mid-term target period (FY2016-FY2021) will start from this year, and the president's leadership will be based on the basic idea of ​​improving the “interdisciplinary” characteristics of the university. We are making various efforts. In order to carry out these efforts reliably, it is necessary to improve the facilities and equipment that form the basis of these efforts, so we have requested the necessary budget from the government. The situation is that measures such as aging and improvement of functional deterioration are not sufficient. Under these circumstances, the overall review and evaluation of the maintenance and management of facilities and equipment on the campus of the University, the revision of the maintenance / repair plan that reviewed the Campus Master Plan 2011, and the medium- to long-term repairs. Formulation of plans, etc. has become an urgent issue. The Facility and Land Committee was fully aware of this and established a working group in September 2016 to proceed with the study. This time, in order to clarify the direction of facility maintenance and maintenance at our university, we will prepare an infrastructure life extension plan (action plan) and work on steady promotion of this plan.

"University of Tsukuba Infrastructure Life Extension Plan (Action Plan)" March 2017

It is a long introduction similar to the instruction of the principal of a long time ago. In a nutshell, we left it because we didn't have the money, and you guys had no luck. Didn't the university save the repair costs in view of its useful life? Or did they think the university facilities wouldn't break forever? In the announcement below, it seems that the university is responding properly.

However, was there any concrete improvement between 2017 and the present? The University of Tsukuba newspaper, dated January 31, this year, featured such a post from a student.

I want more street lights around the student dormitory. After sunset, there are places that cannot be seen without turning on the light. The pavement condition of the road was also bad, and the wheels of the bicycle sometimes got stuck in the gap created by the cracked pavement.

University of Tsukuba Newspaper No. 368

The lack of street lights certainly made it possible to see the stars on a clear night 40 years ago. However, dark places at night are dangerous for security, and sinking roads are dangerous. Also, the tennis courts near the student dormitory were left unattended and unmaintained, and students who couldn't bear to see them were calling for donations to repair them. As a result, they were able to get the money for the repairs they had targeted.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology says that other national universities have similar problems.

The facilities of national universities and other institutions, which were massively upgraded in the 1960s and 1970s, are all aging at the same time, and the aging improvement and maintenance has not been able to keep up. In addition, lifelines such as water supply and drainage pipes and gas pipes installed on campuses are aging rapidly, which not only poses safety and functional problems, but also causes unnecessary expenses such as water leakage and other problems that affect management.

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Facilities of National University Corporation, etc.

This is like the opinion of a bystander. This is a natural consequence of the fact that the budget for facility maintenance has decreased significantly since 2004, when national universities were incorporated.

On the other hand, the percentage of students going on to university in the 2020 academic year reached 54.4%, a record high (Daigaku Journal Online, "University Enrollment Rate Hits Record High of 54.4%, Total of Junior Colleges, etc. Exceeds 80%").

For students taking entrance exams, is there any attraction to a national university with aging facilities? No, perhaps many of them may not know the reality until they enter the university.

If any of the readers of this article are planning to apply for a university in the future, I suggest you take a look at the university newspaper and related articles of the school of your choice. Unlike my days as a student preparing for entrance exams, we live in an age where information is readily available by searching.  Of course it is necessary to take the time to read several articles and gather reliable information, rather than just relying on one article.
