
10年前に買ったKindle paperwhiteの端末が壊れました。

Kindle Paper Whiteをもう一台持っています。ただ、最近はiPadやiPhoneで、Kindleの本を見ることができるので、そちらを使うことが増えました。









The Kindle paperwhite device I bought 10 years ago broke.

When I clicked on the LCD screen of the terminal, it stopped responding. It is a model that can communicate with 3G, and it has a browser, which is useful for other than reading. I have another Kindle Paper White. However, recently, I can read Kindle books on my iPad or iPhone, so I've been using them more and more.

Especially when reading comic books or books with pictures, they are easier to read.

I've bought a lot of e-books because it's cheaper to buy than paper books and it's easy for people with presbyopia to enlarge the screen to make the text bigger. However, I don't know if I can read these while I'm alive.

However, on the other hand, I was able to reconfirm the goodness of paper books. You can easily skip the whole thing or go back to the part you were interested in before. Besides, looking at your iPad or iPhone for a long time may not be very good for your eyes.

That's why I often borrow and read books at the library these days. Although it takes time to lend and borrow, it also serves as a walk to the nearby public hall, so it also solves the lack of exercise. Since the collection of books is relatively large, you can often find the book you want to read. Especially if the book you want to read is expensive.

However, I am disappointed when I find writing in a borrowed book. If it is pencil writing, I erase it with an eraser. But sometimes I want to blame people, wondering why they draw lines in such strange places, and the important key words are not there.

Reading books helps me write articles for NOTE. I will write again about the cycle of reading and writing.

I would also like to discuss copying books to make the citation process easier.

Title photo taken from Amazon website.
