今回取り上げたのは、商学部が行う授業です。授業料を払った学生に商学を教えるというのに、学生をマーケティングの対象として考える発想はないようです。「黙って教師の話を聴け」という発想が引き継が れているのでしょう。
What Does Attendance Mean When Watching Video-Recorded Classes?
I only go to central Tokyo once a week, but sometimes I see a young man or woman in a black suit who seems to be looking for a job. When I got a job, I think the color of the suit was different, but I'm not sure why it turned black.
Recently, it seems that an increasing number of companies are asking about their academic efforts during interviews with job seekers.
But this is a matter of course. What you learned at university is more important than extracurricular activities. If your grades are poor, you may be asked what you were doing skipping school.
In that sense, the title of this article ""The grades Don't Matter in Job Hunting" Is Outdated! The Secret to Making a Good Impression No Matter What Your Grades Are," gives the impression that we are still in a transitional period.
Universities may have different ways of assigning grades, but right now, it is a prerequisite for students to attend at least two-thirds of classes.
The article states.
When I was a college student, the maximum number of times I could be absent was set or not set by the teacher.
However, in order to pass the exam, we had to attend and write notes, read textbooks, and make some preparations, and that is still the case.
However, at that time, there was no such thing as watching video-recorded classes, of course.
Previously, I wrote about a course called "Introduction to Business Law" in the Faculty of Commerce at Waseda University in the article "I hated simultaneous classes." In this course, students watched the videos of the lesson recorded by the instructor at home. If you look at the syllabus now, this fall class will also be held this way.
Before the epidemic of "that disease", teachers were able to keep track of the students coming to the classroom, but for online lessons, watching a video is an alternative to attending. The instructor, who saw that the students of the "Introduction to Business Law" lecture played the video in parallel, rejected it because it was not worth attending.
The arguments of the rejected students about this were published in this article.
I support these students. In the real world, it is necessary to get the job done neatly, and sometimes to handle multiple jobs at the same time.
It is not "meaningful to participate (watch the video of the lesson in a straight line)". It is also important to produce many results in a limited time.
On the other hand, this article also has such an opinion.
Who is better, the student who just looks at a PC or tablet, or the student who devises a way to spend his time? This professor is just saying it is possible, but not substantiating anything. It is more appropriate to say "stated an opinion" rather than "pointed out the problem".
In the end, I think the problem is that with the spread of "that disease" and the increasing number of classes watching video recordings at home, what to change and what not to change in the evaluation method has not been defined. Universities and the MEXT probably don't think it is necessary to redefine the concept of attendance.
What I have discussed is a class conducted by the Faculty of Commerce. They teach commerce to students who have paid tuition, but they don't seem to have the concept of considering students as marketing objects. The idea of "shut up and listen to the teacher" must have taken over.
The title photo is a part of the university establishment standards set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that touches on the study time of university students. Based on the time you sit in your seat is reminiscent of factory workers. But can brain labor be evaluated by the time you watch the video?