
(日本医師連盟から)だれにいくら献金するかは最終的に委員長(日本医師会 会長)が決める。影響力や日本医師会への貢献度、医師かどうかや将来性などを総合的に判断する。
An organization that donated the most to the LDP in fiscal 2021
The organization that donated the most to the LDP in 2021 was the Japan Medical Association. Of the 2.47 billion yen the LDP received from the National Political Association, about 10%, or 250 million yen, came from the Japan Medical Association.
According to Wikipedia, the Japan Medical Association is "a political organization registered with the Tokyo Metropolitan Election Administration Commission in accordance with the Political Funds Control Law, which works to realize the ideals and policies set forth by the Japan Medical Association. The Japan Medical Association, a public interest incorporated association, is the governing body for the most part."
The Japan Medical Federation does not have financial statements on its website. Looking at the financial report on the Japan Medical Association's website, the operating income for fiscal year 2019 was 28,616 million yen, 104,162 million yen for fiscal year 2020, 45,949 million yen for fiscal year 2021, and 24,081 million yen for fiscal year 2022. It seems that "that disease" has had a great influence on the increase or decrease of these figures.
The Japan Medical Association has made substantial donations not only to the National Political Association but also to individual members of the Liberal Democratic Party.
The final decision on who to donate and how much (from the Japan Medical Federation) is made by the chairman (president of the Japan Medical Association). The decision is made based on a comprehensive assessment of the person's influence, their level of contribution to the Japan Medical Association, whether they are a doctor, their future prospects, etc.
According to one pediatric surgeon, in order to open a practice in Chiba City, one must join all three medical associations: the Chiba City Medical Association, the Chiba Prefecture Medical Association, and the Japan Medical Association, with a combined annual membership fee of 420,000 yen.
The Japan Medical Association's abundant funds come from medical expenses, that is, taxes, insurance premiums, and patient fees. These funds are then channeled back into the political world as donations, and, together with their vote-gathering power, they become a powerful tool for medical policy activities.
Even if the LDP's lawmakers change generationally in the future, the party's collusion with the Japan Medical Association will likely continue.
Only one religious organization, World Mate, whose founder is Toshu Fukami (Haruhisa Handa), is on this ranking, having donated 30 million yen.
It is unclear what the organization's intentions are in donating such a large amount of money.
The title photo is the cover of the LDP's income and expenditure report.