















タイトル画像は、NHK「「食品ロス」削減へ 食べ残しの持ち帰り ガイドライン案を公表」より引用

Small protests against food waste can sometimes be betrayed

When rice shortages were becoming an issue in 2024, a letter to the editor in a newspaper from a part-time worker at a hotel cafeteria lamented the amount of food that was being thrown away without being eaten.

Another letter described an example he had heard from a cook at a company cafeteria.

The letter read, "Isn't there an option to eat a different menu item when it's out of stock? I would like companies to donate leftovers to children's cafeterias and poor families. Can't we come up with a system to pick up leftovers at a specific time and transport them to where they are needed?" This is a reasonable opinion.

According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, in Japan, the amount of food that is still edible but discarded, known as "food loss," will be 4.72 million tons in 2022, which is roughly the same as the amount of food aid provided worldwide to people suffering from hunger around the world (4.8 million tons per year in 2022).

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is also taking measures.

China is the country with the highest food waste in the world, but even there, at the behest of the country, or rather of President Xi Jinping, the "Anti-Food Waste Law" was enacted in 2001, which stipulates that restaurants that allow customers to leave large amounts of food uneaten will be fined.

Even in the United States, a country that throws out about 54 million tons of food each year, equivalent to 40% of its food supply, some people are campaigning to rescue edible food from the trash.

I don't rummage through trash cans, but when I'm at the supermarket and there's a clearance sale on an item I want to buy, I pick it up.

But be careful of clearance items that have a much longer expiration date than the non-discounted item!

At one of the industry's largest supermarkets, I bought some old unsold yogurt and natto, even though there was still plenty of time left until their expiration date. I bought them on different days at different stores in the same chain.

Only one of them had a 3% discount sticker on it, and the date was a few days different from the other products. If it had been a day difference, that would have been understandable, but I wondered why, and bought it anyway.

My hunch was right. When I opened the package, there was a strange smell. It felt like something that had been left out in a place without air conditioning for a while had been put on display. I didn't get an upset stomach after eating it, but I did feel unwell.

The title image is taken from NHK's "Draft guidelines released for taking leftovers home to reduce 'food waste'"
