個人 3億21百万円
法人その他団体 3百万円
国民政治協会 24億70百万円
個人 4億84百万円
法人その他団体 3百万円
国民政治協会 24億50百万円
個人からの寄付 1億23百万円
団体からの寄付 24億28百万円
政治団体からの寄付 3億90百万円
個人からの寄付 1億19百万円
団体からの寄付 24億47百万円
政治団体からの寄付 3億33百万円

日本医師連盟 2億50百万円
自由社会を守る国民会議(自由民主党の党友組織) 81百万円
日本自動車工業会 78百万円
日本電機工業会 77百万円
日本鉄鋼連盟 60百万円
石油連盟 50百万円
住友化学 50百万円
トヨタ自動車 50百万円
An era in which the LDP's sponsor, the Japan Business Federation, is strongly calling for a "selective separate surnames system for married couples"
Before the Keidanren Kaikan building was rebuilt, I went there to attend an IT industry seminar held there. When I entered, a security guard stopped me and asked me who I was. Perhaps he thought I looked out of place. It was an uncomfortable place for me, too, and I never went there again. We were both foreigners.
By the way, I mentioned before that Keidanren supports the "optional separate surnames system," which would allow married couples to get married without changing their surnames.
According to this article, Keidanren "has asked the government to submit a bill to amend the Civil Code to include the introduction of this system to the Diet as soon as possible." They seem to be quite serious about it.
Keidanren was originally of the opinion that it was sufficient to use maiden names as common names. Following the 2015 Supreme Court ruling that the current system requiring married couples to have the same surname was constitutional, then-chairman Sadayuki Sakakibara said at a press conference, "There is absolutely no inconvenience to companies or individuals under the current system." One of the catalysts for changing this stance was the creation of a network of female executives from member companies under the Women's Participation Promotion Committee (now the Diversity Promotion Committee), which was launched in 2014. The issues surrounding using maiden names were shared, and the issue came to be recognized as a social issue for male executives as well. Since December last year, the organization has been inviting experts to hold a series of study sessions.
Perhaps the male dominated Keidanren is also changing. Has the exclusive atmosphere at the Keidanren building changed (although I probably won't be going there)?
Last year, the chairman of Keidanren made the following statement:
Regarding the fact that Keidanren continues to donate approximately 2.4 billion yen a year to the LDP despite the existence of a system of political party subsidies from the national government, Chairman Tokura Masakazu of the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), he explained, "Maintaining democracy incurs costs. For companies to cover these costs is a way of contributing to society."
Keidanren wants to remove regulations that impede business activity. If Keidanren's opinion prevails, then Keidanren's donations will likely have contributed to the "maintenance of democracy" that the chairman claims.
By the way, the above article states that Keidanren donates 2.4 billion yen a year to the LDP. However, upon investigation, it turns out that Keidanren does not donate directly to the LDP. The 2.4 billion yen is the total amount donated by companies and others to the LDP's political funding organization, the National Political Association.
The LDP's political funding organization, the National Political Association, also receives large corporate donations every year. The total amount is a whopping 2.4 billion yen. And the majority of this is led by Keidanren.
I found a political funding report published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.
The total amount of donations to the LDP in 2021 is as follows:
Individuals: 321 million yen
Corporations and other organizations: 3 million yen
National Political Association: 2.47 billion yen
The total amount of donations to the LDP in 2022 is:
Individuals: 484 million yen
Corporations and other organizations: 3 million yen
National Political Association: 2.45 billion yen
Looking at the National Political Association's 2021 income and expenditure report, the breakdown of donations is as follows:
Donations from individuals: 123 million yen
Donations from organizations: 2,428 million yen
Donations from political organizations: 390 million yen
The 2022 income and expenditure report shows:
Donations from individuals: 119 million yen
Donations from organizations: 2,447 million yen
Donations from political organizations: 333 million yen
The organizations in question are private companies such as Toyota Motor Corporation. Judging from the amount, this is likely a "Keidanren-led" donation.
The donors listed in the income and expenditure report are not in alphabetical order, nor in order of the amount of their donations. It is not possible to download the data in CSV format, making it difficult to handle.
So I looked at the rankings of listed companies that donated more than 20 million yen in 2021, as well as the rankings of industry associations, religious organizations, and political organizations that donated more than 10 million yen, compiled by Toyo Keizai Inc.
From these two tables, if we list the donors who donated over 50 million yen, we get the following:
Japan Medical Association: 250 million yen
National Council for the Protection of Free Society (a party affiliate of the Liberal Democratic Party): 81 million yen
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association: 78 million yen
Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association: 77 million yen
Japan Iron and Steel Federation: 60 million yen
Petroleum Association of Japan: 50 million yen
Sumitomo Chemical: 50 million yen
Toyota Motor Corporation: 50 million yen
Most of the donors other than the Japan Medical Association and the National Council for the Protection of Free Society are probably companies and organizations that are "led by Keidanren."
The title photo is of the former Keidanren building from Wikipedia.