私も当時、このアニメのテレビシリーズのビデオを借りて見た。その最終回は、ハッピーエンドかなんだかよくわからなかった。それが気になって、新宿の映画館に、『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に』を観に行った。映画が終わって、幕が引かれる間、「なんだ、これは?」と思ったものだ。
タイトル写真は、note 「みんなのフォトギャラリー」から引用。私のかつての同僚は、エヴァンゲリオンのパチンコをやって、ストーリーと主題歌を知ったそうだ。
Memories of EVA
More than 20 years ago, an entire shelf at a local bookstore was filled with books related to "Neon Genesis Evangelion". I wondered why so many books were written for one anime work.
At that time, I also borrowed videos of this animated TV series and watched them. I wasn't sure if it was a happy ending in the final episode. With that in mind, I went to a movie theater in Shinjuku to see "The End of Evangelion". While the movie was over and the curtain was pulled, I thought, "What's this?"
That was 1997, and I haven't been to see "Shin Evangelion Theatrical Version," which was released sequentially after 2007. I wasn't particularly interested in the new work, probably because I didn't understand the previous work. The new movie version was completed in 2021, so counting from 1995 when it was first televised, this animation was completed in about a quarter of a century.
I happened to find an article about this new movie version when I was looking at the back number of the University of Tsukuba newspaper in connection with the article I wrote earlier, so I will introduce it below.
Readers, please do not throw things. This is a summary by a well-established associate professor of humanities and social sciences at the University of Tsukuba.
Is this the story of this animation?
If the reader had not seen the work beforehand, it would have been misinterpreted. Does the writer assume, as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology expects university students to do in the Standards for the Establishment of Universities, that the readers should have done some preliminary study before reading this article?
Does the writer think that the readers of the University of Tsukuba newspaper do not see things the way the general public does?
Another thing, at the beginning of Mr. Nogami's article, is written as follows.
I think he is a bold man to say it. I think this kind of statement is a typical example of the "attitude of talking down to others" (mounting*). As we grow up and gain experience, our sensitivity wears off and many of us may not be able to enjoy movies as much as we did when we were children. This sociologist must have either cleanly forgotten about the movies he watched as a child or did not watch any interesting movies.
Also, is it mounting to recommend classics to a beginner with little reading? So what book is this sociologist recommending to students?
And, to follow his way of putting it, the fact that he goes out of his way to use katakana to write things that can be written without katakana shows his childishness .
Is the publisher of the University of Tsukuba newspaper posting the post as it is? Will the editor proofread but not talk about the contents?
The word "Eva" is used by the characters in this anime to refer to the humanoid robots that they board, with affection (?). This title was chosen because that is what they called it.
The title photo is taken from the note "Everyone's Photo Gallery.
A former colleague of mine learned about the story and the theme song by playing Evangelion pachinko.
*According to Wikipedia, mounting is "a pseudo-copulation behavior that is thought to increase tension among some primate animals. In turn, it asserts its superiority among humans and others in attitudes and words. It is an act of rating each other".
When I was in the first year of college, I took a lecture on experimental psychology, and I first learned the word mounting in that textbook. Of course, as the meaning of the former. I think there was also a picture of it by a primate in the textbook. It was an era when the word mounting was not used as an expression of interpersonal relationships.