東京レインボープライド2023 エリックゼミ生の1人が感じたこと。
2日目先頭を切って参加をしたパレード。僕たちの出番が終わり僕は友人と原宿へご飯を食べに向かっていました。その頃もまだ他の団体がパレード行進をしており、応援されてた側から応援する側の気持ちを感じることもできました。沿道から”Happy Pride”と笑顔で手を振ってくださったことがとても嬉しかったので、僕も同じように大きな声で”Happy Pride!!”と笑顔で手を振り返しました。
English version below.
Friends overseas! 👋🏻
Have you ever had a moment where you locked eyes with someone across the street and exchanged a smile, creating an instant connection that fills you with joy and warmth? I am really stoked to experience many such moments this weekend.
Hi, I’m Shun, and I'm a member of the second cohort of the Eric Seminar. This year, I participated in Tokyo Rainbow Pride for the second time and even joined the parade. It has a lot of pizzazz compared to the last year.
Lets’s quickly cut to the chase so that the event was filled with sparkling smiles and shining eyes, and I felt a warm sensation in my heart. Even though I spend a lot of time in Shibuya, I was amazed at how bright and vibrant the city can be during Pride. As a member of the Eric Seminar, I felt the excitement and passion of my fellow members walking beside me in the parade. Last year, only a few of us participated, but this year, many more members of the Eric Seminar joined in. I personally believe that dealing with social issue 101 is to join and understand from experience so as the leader of the diversity team, I was overwhelmed with joy. I felt like I had helped my juniors experience such a meaningful event, and it motivated me to work even harder.
After the parade, I went to Harajuku with a friend to grab some food. Other groups were still marching, and I could feel the energy of the supporters on the sidelines. When someone from the crowd shouted "Happy Pride" and waved their hand, it made me so happy that I responded with a big smile and shouted back "Happy Pride!" while waving my flag.
Even from a distance, the other parade participants noticed my flag waving, and we felt connected. I got a real kick out of uniting, and it happened multiple times as we walked through the city. It was a precious time when I felt that many people are taking action to make the world a better place. I felt proud to be a part of it.
I want to participate in this parade every year. The atmosphere is so addictive that I can't get enough of it. Even though not everyone may approach the day with a positive attitude, but I want to suport them and be part of the LQBTQ comunity. And i finnally find it the world is changing and we’ll be on the right track.
No matter what I am going through, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. So I just want to put in the hard yards and keep working toward to it.
Thank you.
I an an ALLY.