
「足るを知る」Knowing what is enough

※ 英語が日本語に続きます。
※ English follows Japanese.







Hello! This is Shumpei Nohara.
This time, I'll be posting on the theme of "knowing what is enough."

How do you feel about the environment around you right now (things, money, connections, etc.)?

Some people are grateful for the environment they have now ,and they want to make the most of it!

On the other hand, some people may think that their current environment is not enough, and they want more and more!

It's not a question of which way of thinking is better or worse, but I think that if we can accept the former way of thinking, "be grateful for the environment we have now," in other words, "knowing what is enough," our lives will be easier and more enjoyable.

I had an opportunity to feel this way the other day, so I'd like to share my experience with you!

■ 学生時代、”良縁”を求めて出雲大社に何度も参拝 During my student days, I visited Izumo Taisha Shrine many times in search of a good match.


When I was a student, I visited Izumo Taisha Shrine many times in search of a good match.







I think he was a person who was blessed with good relationships with his clubmates at university, his coworkers at Starbucks, his family and relatives, etc.

However, he visited the shrine praying for more and more "good connections" and "fate." Specifically,

He prayed for "more friends" and "find a girlfriend."

He may not have felt particularly grateful for the environment he had at hand, but rather felt a strong desire for more and more.

■ 社会人の今、手元にある”ご縁”に感謝する気持ちが出てきた。 Now that I'm a working adult, I've begun to feel grateful for the connections I have at my fingertips.





After I entered the workforce, I received some assistance, but I was basically able to support myself.

After two years of initial training, I started working part-time doing health checkups, earning an income in return for my labor and moving forward toward achieving what I wanted to do.

Then I realized that I had been supported by many different connections.

I've mentioned these people since I entered the workforce, but in the order that they come to mind, I met the following people:


・Jikorikai Co., Ltd., who helped me clearly articulate what I wanted to do
・The industrial physician and emergency room nurses who helped me in various situations during my two years of initial training
・The psychiatrist who treated me for my depression
・A Cambodian girl who is working happily to achieve what she wants to do
・The physical therapist who sympathized with what I wanted to do
・The agents at the private medical department who helped me search for and find a job after my initial training
・Fellow members who are interested in career support and are aiming to become nationally certified career consultants





There are many more things I could mention, but I'll stop here since there's no end to it.

The environment changes every day, so while there are some people I will meet again, there are also people I will never see again.

However, I realized that I am who I am today because of the support of these connections.

I am deeply grateful for this fact and wanted to go and express my gratitude, so after I started working, I visited Izumo Taisha Shrine again.

■ 「今手元にある環境に感謝する」「足るを知る」  "Be grateful for the environment you have now" and "Know what is enough"







I think people sometimes see the great things in others and end up wishing for something they don't have.

I myself still sometimes feel, "That person has this great thing about them. I'm a little jealous," based on the things others say or do.

However, that is just because each person has their own individuality and original charm.

I have my own individuality. Even if I wish for something I don't have, that charm is often out of proportion to me, and even if I did obtain that charm, my own individuality would only become diluted.

Therefore, I want to live the rest of my life more and more grateful for my individuality and making the most of it.

I think the following points define my individuality.


・I like "Career" and "StrengthsFinder Themes."
・I am good at listening carefully and gathering and organizing information.
・I believe it is important to make the most of your true self.


First of all, I'd like to thank you for this.
Moreover, I hope to provide my original value in the following ways:


・As a career consultant, I support young workers who are unsure about their careers.
・As a strengths coach, I help increase the number of people who are able to utilize and demonstrate the qualities they already have.


If I try to pursue both of these goals at the same time, I will end up doing neither of them properly, so I would like to first gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be a career consultant.
Specifically, I would like to do the following:


・Acquire the knowledge necessary to pass the national examination for career consultants.
・Improve career counseling skills.
・Provide familiar and concrete topics about careers.



I want to take my time and appreciate my own individuality while enjoying each day to the fullest.

Thank you for reading this far😊
