
"カルチャーオブグロース"-成長してゆこうとするカルチャー/ "Culture of Growth" - A Culture Striving for Growth

(Translation by Chat GPT)
私がこの頃学んだ考え方を、ノートにまとめておこうと思います。『Culture of Growth』を書いたMary C. Murphyさんからヒントを得ました。今後の教育や子育て、または自分自身の成長のために、大事なものとしていつも心のどこかで覚えておくことが大切だと思いました。これが当たり前なこと、と思えてしまう人はすごいなと思います。
I've decided to organize the concepts I've learned recently in a note. I was inspired by Mary C. Murphy, who wrote "Culture of Growth." I believe it's essential to always remember this as something important for future education, parenting, and personal growth. I think it's impressive if this seems natural to someone. So, what kind of concept is it...

An attitude of spending hours brainstorming with friends or by oneself to refine ideas and respond to feedback. An attitude that values learning over scored evaluations. This contrasts with a fixed mindset that avoids failure and doesn't try to learn much.

Enjoying growth and improvement through repeated practice and trying new methods. This contrasts with an attitude that decides from the outset that they lack talent and therefore doesn't bother to practice.

Always needing targeted feedback to improve and grow. Understanding that targeted feedback is the key to advancing to the next step. In contrast, those who feel blamed by feedback, retaliate with feedback, or react with anger are likely acting from a fixed mindset to hide their lack of confidence. (In truth, if you lack confidence, practice allows improvement.)

Drawing inspiration from successful people and trying to find new ways or ideas to apply them to oneself. This contrasts with losing motivation upon seeing others succeed and deciding that they shouldn't even try, often due to a sense of shame about their own lack of confidence.

固定観念にあまり縛られず、成長してゆこうとする環境のあるグループ、教室、学校、企業、地域、があってこそ、個人個人が自分を磨こうとしながら成長して行けます。環境がCulture of Growthでなければ、個人が新しいことに挑戦したり、失敗したり、失敗から学ぼうと思ってもうまくいきません。だから、「成長しようとするカルチャー」を、その環境を守る親や大人やリーダーが準備してあげないと、新しい発展はあまり望めないのです。
When groups, classrooms, schools, companies, or communities have an environment of growth, individuals can grow and refine themselves. If the environment is not a "Culture of Growth," even if one wants to try new things, fail, or learn from failures, it won't succeed. Therefore, for the "Culture of Growth," it's crucial for parents, adults, and leaders who protect those environments to prepare them, as this is essential for any new development.

But people living in the 21st century surely wish for new developments. Including myself, let's continue to enjoy growing in the future.
