1 How many petals does a cherry blossom flower have?
2 How many sepals does it have?
3 How many pistils does it have?
4 Cherry blossoms are classified as ( ) with seeds containing two cotyledons. In the stem cross-section, ( ) are arranged in a ring.
1. 花びら5枚
2. がく5枚
3. 雌しべ 1本
4. dicotyledons双子葉類 / vascular bundles 維管束
5 Corn has separate male and female flowers on the same plant, a characteristic known as ( ).
6 Corn is a ( ) with seeds containing one cotyledon. In the stem cross-section, vascular bundles are scattered.
5 monoecious. 雌雄異花(しゆういか)
6 monocotyledon 単子葉類
7 What part of the corn seed stores the most energy?
8 Which green bean seed structure stores the greatest amount of energy?
7 cotyledons 子葉
8 endosperm 胚乳