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総戸数66戸・11種類すべての間取りが特徴的な賃貸マンション「ジオエント上新庄」を7月に着工 PR TIMES
【AI翻訳】A rental apartment complex, "GEO ENT Kamishinjo," featuring 66 units, started construction in July. It boasts 11 unique floor plans to meet diverse needs. The attractive location and facilities aim to support a comfortable living experience for residents.米中古住宅販売成約指数、6月は前月比4.8%上昇-市場予想1.5%上昇 ブルームバーグ
【AI翻訳】The U.S. pending home sales index rose 4.8% in June compared to the previous month, significantly exceeding the market forecast of a 1.5% increase. This is seen as a sign of recovery in the housing market.住宅ローン固定金利、三菱UFJや三井住友など大手4銀行が8月から上げ 長期金利上昇 日本経済新聞
【AI翻訳】Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, and three other major banks have announced an increase in fixed mortgage rates starting in August. This reflects the rise in long-term interest rates, and attention is expected to continue on interest rate trends.<独自>広瀬めぐみ参院議員秘書、勤務実態なしか 不動産業務を兼業 給与詐取事件 産経ニュース
【AI翻訳】The article reveals that Megumi Hirose's secretary had not actually been working and was also engaged in real estate activities, raising suspicions of salary fraud. This has led to concerns about the credibility of the member of parliament's public office.6月新設住宅着工、6.6万戸 全体的に低調な状況に 新建ハウジング
【AI翻訳】In June 2023, the number of new housing starts was 66,000 units, reflecting a continued sluggish situation overall. The causes are attributed to oversupply and rising interest rates.新設住宅着工戸数、2ヵ月連続で減少 (株)不動産流通研究所
【AI翻訳】The number of newly constructed residential units has decreased for two consecutive months, particularly affecting the number of apartments being built. This trend is considered an important indicator related to the construction industry's economic climate.関電不動産開発/豪州で2つの物流施設取得、現地法人と共同で LNEWS
【AI翻訳】Kansai Electric Power Realty announced the acquisition of two logistics facilities in Australia, collaborating with a local subsidiary for joint development. This aims to strengthen their overseas expansion and enhance logistics infrastructure.中国不動産2社の清算申し立て巡る審理、8月12日に延期-香港裁判所 ブルームバーグ
【AI翻訳】The Hong Kong court has postponed the hearing regarding the liquidation petitions of two Chinese real estate companies to August 12. This decision may have significant implications for the progress of the petitions.【指標】6月米住宅販売保留指数(仮契約住宅販売指数、前月比) +4.8%、予想 +1.5%(トレーダーズ・ウェブ) Yahoo!ファイナンス
【AI翻訳】In June, the U.S. pending home sales index increased by 4.8% month-on-month, significantly exceeding the forecast of 1.5%. This result indicates that there continues to be strong demand in the housing market.NTTグループの不動産運営管理会社であるNTTアーバンバリューサポートが不動産・建築DXプラットフォーム「PICKFORM」を導入 PR TIMES
【AI翻訳】NTT Urban Value Support has implemented the real estate and construction DX platform "PICKFORM" to promote digitalization. This aims to enhance operational efficiency and information sharing.【想定年利11.45%】不動産クラウドファンディング「TECROWD」、海外ファンド COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HOTELS を投資対象とするファンド情報公開。 PR TIMES
【AI要約】不動産クラウドファンディング「TECROWD」が、年利11.45%の海外ファンド「COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HOTELS」の投資情報を公開しました。このファンドは、カラピタ空港近くのホテルプロジェクトに投資するものです。
【AI翻訳】Real estate crowdfunding "TECROWD" has unveiled investment information about the overseas fund "COLOMBO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT HOTELS," with an annual interest rate of 11.45%. This fund invests in a hotel project near Colombo Airport.estie、商業用不動産データ分析基盤「estie マーケット調査」にてスマートフォン機能を拡充 PR TIMES
【AI要約】estieは商業用不動産データ分析基盤「estie マーケット調査」にスマートフォン機能を追加し、ユーザーの利便性を向上させる。これにより、データの簡易アクセスと分析が可能になる。
【AI翻訳】estie has enhanced its commercial real estate data analysis platform "estie Market Research" by adding smartphone functionality, improving user convenience. This enables easy access to and analysis of data.日銀の利上げで住宅ローン金利の状況が変化…今のうちに「変動金利」から「固定金利」に借り換えるべき?【不動産のプロの見解】(THE GOLD ONLINE(ゴールドオンライン)) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Due to the Bank of Japan's interest rate hike, mortgage rates are changing. Experts suggest considering refinancing from "variable rate" to "fixed rate" in the current situation.野村不動産ソリューションズ、LIFULLとAIチャットサービス「ノムコム AIアドバイザー」共同開発 Biz/Zine
野村不動産ソリューションズは、LIFULLと共同でAIチャットサービス「ノムコム AIアドバイザー」を開発しました。このサービスは、不動産に関する質問に対して迅速かつ的確な回答を提供し、利用者の利便性を向上させることを目的としています。
【AI翻訳】Nomura Real Estate Solutions has developed the AI chat service "NomuCom AI Advisor" in collaboration with LIFULL. This service aims to enhance user convenience by providing quick and accurate answers to real estate-related inquiries.4月の既存住宅販売量指数、前月比4.4%増 (株)不動産流通研究所
【AI翻訳】In April, the index of existing home sales increased by 4.4% compared to the previous month. The main factors are attributed to lower interest rates and improved economic conditions, indicating active movement in the real estate market.プロパティエージェントの展開する不動産クラウドファンディングRimple’s Selection#85募集総額187.4%の1.29億円の応募 PR TIMES
【AI要約】プロパティエージェントが運営する不動産クラウドファンディング「Rimple’s Selection #85」が、募集額1.29億円に達し、187.4%の応募があったと発表。多くの投資家が関心を寄せ、堅調な成長を示している。
【AI翻訳】Property Agent announced that its real estate crowdfunding "Rimple's Selection #85" has reached a募集 amount of 129 million yen with 187.4% in subscriptions. A large number of investors are showing interest, indicating strong growth.付加価値仲介No.1宅建業者表彰!「売却の窓口®︎」2024年総会開催!2年連続「瑕疵保険付保件数」宅建業者、並びに「媒介物件獲得件数」法人&個人部門2冠達成宅建業者などを表彰 PR TIMES
【AI翻訳】The "Sale Window®︎" held its 2024 annual meeting to award the top real estate agents in added value brokerage. Notably, agents who achieved the dual crown for two consecutive years in "number of cases covered by defect insurance" and "number of obtained intermediary properties" were recognized.8月1日は「水の日」 大阪・「水」にまつわる名前で家賃が安い駅ランキング 1位は“4万5000円”の駅! オトナンサー
【AI翻訳】August 1 is "Water Day," and a ranking of train stations in Osaka named after water-related themes has been released. The top station has a monthly rent of 45,000 yen, highlighting the appeal of economical living environments. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of water.【指標】6月新設住宅着工戸数(前年比) -6.7%、予想 -2.0%ほか(トレーダーズ・ウェブ) Yahoo!ファイナンス
【AI翻訳】In June, the number of new housing starts decreased by 6.7% compared to the previous year, significantly below the forecast of -2.0%. The trends in the housing market are thought to be a contributing factor.米30年固定金利は6.82%、住宅ローン申請指数はマイナス3.9%=ロンドン為替 みんかぶ
【AI翻訳】The U.S. 30-year fixed mortgage rate reached 6.82%, and the mortgage application index decreased by 3.9% compared to the previous week. This raises concerns about its impact on the housing market.