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「あえての高級賃貸」 25歳AIコンサルタントが家賃40万の部屋に住む理由 快適重視、ミニマリストの暮らし(東洋経済オンライン) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】A 25-year-old AI consultant lives in a luxury rental costing 400,000 yen to prioritize comfort and achieve a minimalist lifestyle. He seeks a high-quality living environment, believing that reducing stress allows him to focus better on work.

「オフィス賃料が4年ぶりに上昇に転じる」~三菱UFJ信託銀行不動産マーケットリサーチレポート 健美家株式会社
【AI翻訳】According to a report by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank, office rent has increased for the first time in four years, particularly due to a recovery in demand in urban areas. Although affected by telework, the rising need for companies to have their employees on-site is a contributing factor.

家賃収入という守りの『盾』があるから冒険できる。不動産投資でFIREでなく、独立自営に転生した【もりほさん】 健美家株式会社
【AI翻訳】The article shares the experiences of Moriho, who transformed into self-employment through real estate investment, emphasizing that having rental income allows taking risks. Rather than aiming for FIRE, he highlights the importance of carving one's own path while earning a stable income.

【松山市】不動産購入ではずれくじなしの家電が当たる!2024年8月1日椿神社近くに「不動産&カンパニー」が開業されます。 号外NET 松山市
【AI翻訳】On August 1, 2024, "Real Estate & Company" will open near Tsubaki Shrine in Matsuyama City. A campaign will be held where real estate buyers have a chance to win home appliances with no losing lottery.

【7/27 沖縄県】税理士が不動産投資における節税メリットを解説!アパート経営で堅実に資産形成しませんか? 金融・投資情報メディア HEDGE GUIDE
【AI翻訳】This article explains the benefits of tax-saving measures in real estate investment from the perspective of a tax accountant. It particularly focuses on asset formation through apartment management, highlighting stable income sources and tax advantages for investors.

九州に「サイエンスパーク」整備検討…半導体関連企業や研究機関集積、三井不動産・台湾機関が共同で(読売新聞オンライン) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】A "Science Park" is being considered in the Kyushu region, aiming to gather semiconductor-related companies and research institutions. This project, a collaboration between Mitsui Fudosan and a Taiwanese organization, aims to enhance the region's industrial competitiveness.

画像 | 25歳AIコンサルタントが家賃40万の部屋に住む訳 自分なりの快適を重視、ミニマリストの暮らし | だから、ひとり暮らし 東洋経済オンライン
【AI翻訳】A 25-year-old AI consultant prioritizes his comfort and lives in a minimalist apartment with a rent of 400,000 yen. By reducing possessions and keeping only essentials, he aims to alleviate stress and pursue a high-quality life.

実業家ドライバー、圧巻の最速記録 今田信宏、本業は不動産賃貸業「他の経営者も同じだが、人と競うのが大好き」 GTネット5年ぶりポール(中日スポーツ) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Businessman and driver Nobuhiro Imaida achieved pole position at GT-Net for the first time in five years. While his main profession is in real estate rental, he enjoys competition and continues to challenge himself like other entrepreneurs.

不動産投資家が利用できるお得な補助金・助成金シリーズ(6)~子育て支援型共同住宅推進事業 健美家株式会社
【AI翻訳】The Child-rearing Support Collaborative Housing Promotion Project is a subsidy program for real estate investors that encourages the development of collaborative housing aimed at child-rearing generations. Eligible projects receive subsidies for design and construction costs, aiming to strengthen community support for child-rearing.

住民は、警察がCER 1デュレンサウィットアパートの不動産破壊事件の取り締まりを確認することを望んでいます VOI.ID
【AI要約】住民は、CER 1デュレンサウィットアパートでの不動産破壊事件について警察に取り締まりを求めています。事件に対する地域の懸念が高まっています。
【AI翻訳】Residents are calling for police action regarding the property destruction incident at CER 1 Durensawit Apartment. Concerns in the community about the incident are increasing.
