【「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡 No.9 】
【「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡 No.9 】
East Asia Theater Interacion 2022 in Fukuoka
Future Creation Program(FCP)[ オセロー/ W シェイクスピア]では、ドラマトゥルクとして、福岡の演劇ユニットそめごころの石田聖也さん、台湾の文学研究者のShin Chang/張新さんに入っていただきました。
▼in English
Dear Mr.Shin
Long time no see, it has been 3 months since EATI ended and the year is coming to an end. I am working on the challenges I face while creating plays on a daily basis. I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you, but even after 3 months, I can still remember those days as if they were yesterday. There was so much happening in that time and space. However, I feel that it is difficult for me now to try to organize and understand them. It is easy to remember, but it seems that the day is still young for me to make sense of it. However, the memories of EATI22 will have a great significance in my future life.
Theconcept of FCP's "Othello" was to use theater as a device to think about human beings. The act of writing is also a device for thinking. It is not always the case that the realization that we have understood something is waiting for us after we have thought about it. Even now, I am not writing with a complete understanding of what I want to say or convey. For me, expression is different from a courtroom argument. It is not something where the conclusion, such as guilt or innocence, is decided first, and then I move toward that conclusion. That is why I write for my own thinking. Expression and thinking are inseparable. This is my reality, and it may be my current physicality.
Mr. Shin described the COVID-19 virus as being an invisible physical participantin EATI22. As one of the participants who was there, I too was constantly aware of its presence. Looking back, I realize that this painful encounter and symbiosis was not limited to viruses. Whether it is a virus or an actor in front of you, there is always a risk involved in encountering something. Through the summer experience, I learned that the important thing is to keep facing the situation on the spot until the end, even if there is anxiety or fear involved, or even if the answer is not found.
ErikaYamada, who directed the Japanese team in FEP's "Yabu no Naka" (In the Yabu), has often told me that "a director is a patient person. However, since around 2020, when the virus began to spread in Japan, I have heard more frequently of performances being canceled and actors being asked to leave the stage. I am still concerned that society as a whole will continue to lower the bar for such things, although there may be different circumstances. In that sense, I am proud of the days and the work of all those who were there, who faced so many obstacles and faced theater production head-on in the epidemic era.
As to whether the "new culture" you refer to in your first letter has emerged among us, I honestly don't know. I honestly don't know. But I think it is an undeniable fact that our bodies and our inner selves changed during those days." Maybe "new culture" is a kind of undefined term, a phenomenon that emerges on top of our history. We feel the presence of a kind of seed between us because of our shared experiences. We may still be on a shallow path to understanding each other. But as long as we continue to exchange letters like this, and as long as I think of your face when I learn the news from Taiwan, the road is still going. Even though it took me monthsto send this one letter, I never felt that my connection to you was broken, and the context we created through our life together at camif and through this correspondence is valuable. I will continue to move forward, embracing the changes in myself that this "new culture" of sorts will bring.
Theater is the only way I can move forward in my life.
2022.12.7 Seiya Ishida