同物=動物 殺すでないぞ◇食物=植物 与えてあるのざぞ◇動物性タンパク質摂取に伴う極めて重要な科学的知見
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トーマス・コリン・キャンベル博士 .... 食生活と癌の関連性を解明
Dr T. Colin Campbell – Determining the Link Between Diet and Cancer
Jun 9, 2021 | Biology, Medical & Health Sciences
2021年6月 9日|生物学, 医学・健康科学
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and understanding the development of the disease is essential for prevention and treatment. Dr T. Colin Campbell from Cornell University’s Division of Nutritional Sciences proposes the intriguing theory that cancer is not primarily a genetic disease but a nutrition-responsive disease. By conducting numerous animal and human studies, he is providing convincing evidence on the importance of diet, particularly the consumption of animal-based protein, in the development of cancer.
Challenging the Current Understanding of Cancer
Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and is responsible for approximately 9.6 million deaths globally per year according to the World Health Organization. A better understanding of the disease is necessary to ensure the provision of targeted and effective treatment as well as to prevent its onset.
Cancer is typically considered a genetic disease, starting with a gene mutation in the DNA of a cell which can be inherited or acquired. Acquired mutations occur as a result of environmental cancer-causing agents (carcinogens) which are activated by enzymes within the body to give products that subsequently bind to and alter the DNA, causing genetic mutation. As cells with mutated DNA continue to multiply, more mutations develop and the cells begin to display characteristics typically observed in cancer, such as limitless replication, evasion of cell death, and drug resistance.
癌は通常、遺伝性または後天性の可能性がある細胞の DNA の遺伝子変異から始まる遺伝病と考えられています。後天性変異は、環境中の発癌物質(発がん物質)が体内の酵素によって活性化されて生成物を生成し、その後DNAに結合してDNAを変化させ、遺伝子変異を引き起こす結果として発生します。変異した DNA を持つ細胞が増殖し続けると、さらに多くの変異が発生し、細胞は無限の複製、細胞死の回避、薬剤耐性など、癌で典型的に観察される特性を示し始めます。
It is believed that these mechanisms by which cancer occurs are irreversible. Current cancer treatments, such as surgery and chemotherapy, are based on this theory of irreversibility and aim to remove or kill cancer cells, rather than reverse their pathogenesis.
Dr T. Colin Campbell in the Division of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University refutes this theory of cancer development, deeming it as ‘reductionist’. His research is demonstrating that cancer is not merely a genetic disease, but rather, that nutrition controls the expression of these genes in the development of cancer and possibly suspend and even reverse further development. Over the past six decades, Dr Campbell has examined the existing evidence for a relationship between nutrition and cancer and elucidated the optimal diet for the prevention of cancer.
Examining the Existing Evidence
In a 2017 publication, Dr Campbell delved into the history of research surrounding the association between diet and cancer, which appeared as early as the 1800s. He discusses more than a century of work in which numerous researchers cite a diet rich in protein (particularly meat), fatty foods, and a lack of fruit and vegetables as a primary cause of cancer. Some reports concluded that diet was responsible for a large proportion of avoidable cancers.
Despite this long-standing research, progress in understanding the role of nutrition in cancer has been slow and these conclusions have largely been forgotten or overlooked. Dr Campbell attributes this to a reluctance to challenge the widely accepted genetic theory of cancer, resistance from the food industry, and because ‘nutrition is not respected as a legitimate science, especially in medical practice communities’.
Two relatively recent periods of nutrition research have revolved around the potential of specific vitamins to prevent nutritional deficiency diseases and chronic diseases such as cancer. However, in trials investigating this, nutrients are examined in isolation, usually in the form of supplements. In doing so, the complex interactions of nutrients with other compounds in whole foods are ignored and, as Dr Campbell explains, ‘isolated nutrients, when consumed as supplements for example, often do not have the same functions as they do when present in whole food’. Dr Campbell critiques this reductionist view of nutrition and believes it has led to a diversion of attention away from the true potential of whole foods to combat disease.
The association between diet and other diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease has been well documented. Furthermore, it has been observed that when people transition from simple diets of rural cultures to Western diets that are high in fat, rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer increase. This association has been attributed to the consumption of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat in high-fat diets. However, this theory overlooks the fact that cholesterol and saturated fats are primarily found in animal-based foods. Dr Campbell suggests that the culprit of the disease-promoting diet is not cholesterol and saturated fat, but instead, the consumption of animal-based foods obviously characterised by protein.
This theory arose from an observational finding during a programme in the Philippines coordinated by Dr Campbell that was designed to resolve childhood malnutrition by ensuring sufficient protein consumption. However, Dr Campbell found that the children at higher risk of dying of liver cancer tended to come from the wealthiest families – those that consumed more animal protein.
Investigating the Role of Diet and Nutrition
To investigate the effect of animal protein consumption on cancer development, Dr Campbell and his team conducted a series of laboratory experiments on animal models in which cancer had been induced by aflatoxin, a potent carcinogen. Cancer grew when animals were fed a diet in which protein comprised 20% of total calories, but growth was repressed when animals were fed a diet in which protein comprised just 5% of total calories. Switching between 20% and 5% protein diets successively turned on and turned off tumour development during the first 12 weeks of pre-cancerous growth in animal models.
Furthermore, in a lifetime study on rats and mice conducted over 2 years, by the end of the study, all animals on a 20% protein diet had died as a result of liver cancer whereas all animals fed a 5% protein diet were alive and without liver cancer. The protein used in these studies was casein, the main protein in cow’s milk. The same tests were conducted using vegetable protein rather than animal protein and the researchers found that even at 20%, the vegetable protein diet did not induce any pre-cancerous cells.
On the basis of these studies, Dr Campbell and his colleagues concluded that cancer development was responsive to nutritional exposure to protein, in both directions, at the early and late stages of cancer development. Describing the findings of his work, Dr Campbell explains that ‘experimental cancer development could be turned on and off by increasing and decreasing, respectively, animal protein consumption’.
To explain the mechanisms behind these findings, Dr Campbell and his team conducted further experiments in rats and mice. They found that dietary protein intake was positively correlated with the amount and the activity of the principal enzyme that activates carcinogens. Dietary protein also increased the chemical bonding of carcinogen with DNA, leading to genetic mutations. In conclusion, the researchers found that high dietary protein of animal origin up-regulated mechanisms that increase cancer development and down-regulated the cell’s normal ability to reverse development.
These experiments were particularly noteworthy because it demonstrates that cancer causation involves multiple mechanisms working in synchrony to cause the cancer response. In a human setting, when consumption of animal-based protein increases, plant-based protein decreases, also relying on the same multiplicity and synchronicity of mechanisms, thus accentuating the apparent animal protein effect on cancer development.
Dr Campbell and his team have also conducted several human population studies to investigate the role of diet in cancer, the most notable of which is the China Study. This study is regarded as one of the most comprehensive population studies ever conducted and comprised a 65-county, 130 village cohort in rural China for which data were collected in 1983 and again in 1989.
キャンベル博士と彼のチームは、癌における食事の役割を調査するために、ヒトを対象とした集団研究もいくつか行っています。その中で最も注目に値するのは中国における研究(China Study)です。この研究は、これまでに実施された集団研究の中で最も包括的なもののひとつとみなされており、中国の農村部にある65の郡、130の村の住民集団(コホート)から構成され、1983年と1989年にデータが収集されました。
It was discovered that the incidence of primary liver cancer was not associated with aflatoxin exposure. Instead, the most highly correlated lifestyle factor with liver cancer was the level of blood cholesterol, which itself is associated with greater consumption of animal-protein based foods. The researchers concluded that counties with higher consumption of animal-based foods (still only about 10% of Western consumption) were more likely to have higher death rates from ‘Western’ diseases, while the opposite was true for counties that consumed more plant-based foods – quite a condemnation of consuming animal-based food. Plants provide all the protein we need, oftentimes even more.
‘My main finding of most relevance, based on epidemiological and clinical findings on humans, mechanism studies on disease formation in experimental animals, and research findings of others during the past two centuries, is that the human diet ideally should rely on the consumption of whole, plant-based foods.’
Seeking a More Effective Strategy for Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Dr Campbell hypothesises that cancer is primarily a nutrition-responsive disease, an intriguing theory that has been met with controversy. He advocates a whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet to protect against an array of diseases, including cancer. As he states, ‘my main finding of most relevance, based on epidemiological and clinical findings on humans, mechanism studies on disease formation in experimental animals, and research findings of others during the past two centuries, is that the human diet ideally should rely on the consumption of whole, plant-based foods’. Very few studies have investigated the impact of a WFPB diet compared to animal protein-based diets on the prevention of disease, though evidence to date also supports the reversal of heart disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Dr Campbell states that more intervention trials in human patients are required to test his broad-based hypothesis.
キャンベル博士は、癌は主に栄養反応性疾患であるという仮説を立てていますが、この興味深い理論は論争を巻き起こしています。彼は、癌を含む様々な疾患から身を守るために、植物ベースの全体食(WFPB:Whole Food, Plant Base)を提唱しています。彼が述べているように、『ヒトに関する疫学的・臨床的知見、実験動物における疾病形成のメカニズム研究、そして過去2世紀にわたる他の研究者の研究成果に基づいて、最も関連性のある私の主な発見は、ヒトの食事は理想的には植物由来の全体食の摂取に頼るべきであるということです』。動物性タンパク質ベースの食事と比較した植物ベースの全体食(WFPB)が病気の予防に与える影響を調査した研究はほとんどありませんが、現在までのところ、心臓病、糖尿病、慢性腎臓病の回復を裏付ける証拠もあります。キャンベル博士は、彼の広範な仮説を検証するためには、ヒト患者を対象としたより多くの介入試験が必要であると述べています。
Given that current cancer treatments are costly to develop and often have negative side effects, a whole food-nutritional approach to cancer prevention and treatment could be more effective. Dr Campbell encourages the rejection of reductionist theories of cancer and nutrition and argues for a better understanding of the complexities of cancer development and nutrient interactions within whole foods to map a more effective strategy to cancer prevention and treatment. Dr Campbell’s recently published book, ‘The Future of Nutrition: An Insider’s Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right’, provides a stimulating account of his perspectives on nutrition and health.
現在の癌治療法は開発に多額の費用がかかり、しばしばマイナスの副作用があることを考えると、癌の予防と治療に対する全食品栄養学的アプローチの方がより効果的である可能性があります。キャンベル博士は、癌と栄養に関する還元主義的な理論を否定し、癌の発生と全体食中の栄養素の相互作用の複雑さをよりよく理解することで、がんの予防と治療により効果的な戦略を立てることができると主張しています。キャンベル博士が最近出版した著書『栄養学の未来: 内部関係者による科学の見方、なぜ私たちは間違った解釈をし続けるのか、そして正しく理解する方法』"The Future of Nutrition: An Insider's Look at the Science, Why We Keep Getting It Wrong, and How to Start Getting It Right "では、栄養と健康に関する彼の視点が刺激的に語られています。
Meet the researcher
Dr T. Colin Campbell
Division of Nutritional Sciences
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Dr T. Colin Campbell was the first in his family to attend college, obtaining his PhD in nutrition, biochemistry, and bacteriology from Cornell University. Following ten years as a faculty member at Virginia Tech University, he was recruited back to Cornell University in 1975 as a professor with tenure where he currently holds an endowed chair as the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry in the Division of Nutritional Sciences. His research focuses on the relationship between diet and disease and comprises both laboratory experiments and large-scale human studies, including The China Study; the most comprehensive epidemiological study on nutrition ever conducted. As a result of his extensive research into nutrition and health over six decades, Dr Campbell has received multiple lifetime achievement awards as well as several humanitarian, courage, and related awards. Dr Campbell strives to communicate evidence-based information on nutrition and health.
T・コリン・キャンベル博士はコーネル大学で栄養学、生化学、細菌学の博士号を取得。バージニア工科大学で10年間教員を務めた後、1975年にコーネル大学の終身在職権を持つ教授として再び採用され、現在は栄養科学部門の栄養生化学のジェイコブ・グールド・シュールマン名誉教授として寄附講座を持っています。彼の研究は、食事と疾病の関係に重点を置き、実験室での実験と、これまでに実施された栄養に関する最も包括的な疫学研究であるチャイナ・スタディ(China Study)を含む大規模なヒト研究の両方で構成されています。60年以上にわたる栄養と健康に関する広範な研究の結果、キャンベル博士は複数の生涯功労賞を受賞しているほか、人道的賞、勇気賞、および関連する賞も受賞しています。キャンベル博士は、栄養と健康に関するエビデンス(科学的根拠)に基づいた情報を伝えることに努めています。
National Cancer Institute of the NIH
US State Department
American Cancer Society
American Institute for Cancer Research
Imperial Cancer Research Fund (UK)
NIH 米国国立癌研究所
TC Campbell, The Past, Present, and Future of Nutrition and Cancer: Part 1-Was a Nutritional Association Acknowledged a Century Ago? Nutrition and Cancer, 2017, 69, 811–817.
TC Campbell, Nutrition and Cancer: An Historical Perspective, The Past, Present and Future of Nutrition and Cancer. Part 2. Misunderstanding and Ignoring Nutrition, Nutrition and Cancer, 2017, 69, 962–968.
TC Campbell, Nutrition Renaissance and Public Health Policy, Journal of Nutritional Biology, 2017, 3, 124–138.
TC Campbell, Cancer prevention and treatment by wholistic nutrition, Journal of Nature and Science, 2017, 3, e448.
TC Campbell, Untold nutrition, Nutrition and Cancer, 2014, 66, 1077–82.
TC キャンベル 『栄養と癌の過去、現在、未来: 第1部-1世紀前に栄養学的関連性は認められていたのか?』栄養と癌、2017, 69, 811-817.
TC キャンベル 『栄養と癌:歴史的視点、栄養と癌の過去、現在、未来。パート 2....栄養に対する誤解と無視』栄養と癌、2017、69、962-968。
TC キャンベル 『栄養ルネッサンスと公衆衛生政策』栄養生物学ジャーナル 2017, 3, 124-138.
TC キャンベル 『ホリスティック栄養学によるがんの予防と治療』自然科学ジャーナル、2017, 3, e448.
TC キャンベル 『知られざる栄養』栄養と癌、2014, 66, 1077-82.
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