”IRONE” The Color of Sound of the Wish for World Peace and the #Abolition_of_nuclear_weapons!

#Pray_for_the_World_Peace at #Tokyo_Olympics_2021 !

We Japanese Hope that Chairman Bach IOC, together with the top JOC members, should pray not only for the world's first atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but We also really hope Chairman Bach will act for the Abolition of nuclear weapons and no more Indiscriminate killing, which will involve the general public on the earth from their true humanism.

"#IRONE" The Color of Sound of the Wish for the Baku to Eat up the #Covid -19 falling from the universe, colorized by AI of #Kitty and #Doggy ! by #Ellie_Ogawa and #Hiroto_Uchida

The attached music is J.S.#Bach, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2 by #Sviatoslav_Richiter

for Private Use Only
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