
 私、これまで大多数の人とは異なる見解を、今回のロシアによる蛮行について書いてきました。曰く、アメリカが NATO を解散しなかったという失敗、NATOを現実に拡大してきたという失策、そして今回の侵略開始前のぎりぎりの場面でアメリカがロシアと本気で外交交渉することなく経済制裁という脅しのみしてきたことの過ち。
 George F. Kennan が既に1997年に NATO 拡大は冷戦後における悲劇的過ちとみなしていたことは既に指摘しました。NATO拡大はロシアが西側に敵対する姿勢をもたらしたり、民主主義と自由主義の真逆の方向にいくことを警告。
 まともな外交官は他にも沢山おります。一例として、駐ソ連アメリカ大使(1987 to 1991)の J.F.Matlock 。彼はロシアのウクライナ侵略開始の9日前に書きました。是非とも読んで下さい
I was there: NATO and the origins of the Ukraine crisis
After the fall of the Soviet Union, I told the Senate that expansion would lead us to where we are today.
FEBRUARY 15, 2022
Written by Jack F. Matlock Jr. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/02/15/the-origins-of-the-ukraine-crisis-and-how-conflict-can-be-avoided/

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Today we face an avoidable crisis between the United States and Russia that was predictable, willfully precipitated, but can easily be resolved by the application of common sense.
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拙訳: 今日、我々は米国とロシアの間の回避可能な危機 - それは予測できたこと -に直面している。意図的に引き起こされたのではあるが、常識を適用することにより解決できよう。

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We are being told each day that war may be imminent in Ukraine. Russian troops, we are told, are massing at Ukraine’s borders and could attack at any time. American citizens are being advised to leave Ukraine and dependents of the American Embassy staff are being evacuated. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian president has advised against panic and made clear that he does not consider a Russian invasion imminent. Vladimir Putin has denied that he has any intention of invading Ukraine. His demand is that the process of adding new members to NATO cease and that Russia has assurance that Ukraine and Georgia will never be members.
President Biden has refused to give such assurance but made clear his willingness to continue discussing questions of strategic stability in Europe. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government has made clear it has no intention of implementing the agreement reached in 2015 for reuniting the Donbas provinces into Ukraine with a large degree of local autonomy ? an agreement with Russia, France, and Germany that the United States endorsed.
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 ロシアの侵略開始までの貴重な日々の間、ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領はロシア・フランス・ドイツ・ウクライナ4国による2015年の合意 - ドンバス州における自治拡大を条件としてのウクライナへの同州の再結合 - を実施するつもりは全くないと明確にしました。そしてまた、ゼレンスキー大統領は「まさかロシアが侵略することはあるまい」と楽観視して、バイデン政権による警告を軽視してました。ちなみに、ロシアが侵略することはプーチンというリアリストからして考えられないと私は思ってました。ゼレンスキー(極めて優秀な頭脳を有するユダヤ人)は合理的・理性的に物事を見て、判断できる人だと思いますが、プーチンのような千年にわたる専制が生み出したロシア君主の思考を理解することはできなかったのだと思います。ゼレンスキーからして理解不能な「超臆病者」プーチンでありますが、万が一を想定して、プーチンに対して妥協しなかったことは当時からしても今から振り返っても失策です。言葉や文書だけで妥協していたらそれだけで、ロシアの侵略はなかった公算が高いと思います。
 すでに手遅れかも知れませんが、交渉における議題はウクライナとロシアの両国がNATOに同時加盟する or NATO解散の両方であるべきだと思います。どちらも、ロシア・ウクライナ・EU諸国・アメリカなどの諸国民にとって良いと考えます。

※拙論 : ■諸国の在日大使に提案: ロシアによるウクライナ攻撃を集結させ、真の平和をもたらすための方法
noteに掲載(March 2, 2022)-> https://note.com/sawataishi/n/na6ac96618cf6

以下、更に引用します。blunder という単語知りませんでした、大失策という意味。ジョージ・ケナンと同様にNATO拡大は大失策とみなしたのでした。

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Was this crisis avoidable?
In short, yes.
Was this crisis predictable?

Absolutely. NATO expansion was the most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War. In 1997, when the question of adding more NATO members arose, I was asked to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In my introductory remarks, I made the following statement:

“I consider the administration’s recommendation to take new members into NATO at this time misguided. If it should be approved by the United States Senate, it may well go down in history as the most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War. Far from improving the security of the United States, its Allies, and the nations that wish to enter the Alliance, it could well encourage a chain of events that could produce the most serious security threat to this nation since the Soviet Union collapsed.” Indeed, our nuclear arsenals were capable of ending the possibility of civilization on Earth.

But that was not the only reason I cited for including rather than excluding Russia from European security. As I explained to the SFRC: “The plan to increase the membership of NATO fails to take account of the real international situation following the end of the Cold War, and proceeds in accord with a logic that made sense only during the Cold War. The division of Europe ended before there was any thought of taking new members into NATO. No one is threatening to re-divide Europe. It is therefore absurd to claim, as some have, that it is necessary to take new members into NATO to avoid a future division of Europe; if NATO is to be the principal instrument for unifying the continent, then logically the only way it can do so is by expanding to include all European countries. But that does not appear to be the aim of the administration, and even if it is, the way to reach it is not by admitting new members piecemeal.”

The decision to expand NATO piecemeal was a reversal of American policies that produced the end of the Cold War. President George H.W. Bush had proclaimed a goal of a “Europe whole and free.” Gorbachev had spoken of “our common European home,” had welcomed representatives of East European governments who threw off their communist rulers and had ordered radical reductions in Soviet military forces by explaining that for one country to be secure, there must be security for all.

President Bush also assured Gorbachev during their meeting in Malta in December, 1989, that if the countries of Eastern Europe were allowed to choose their future orientation by democratic processes, the United States would not “take advantage” of that process. (Obviously, bringing countries into NATO that were then in the Warsaw Pact would be “taking advantage.”) The following year, Gorbachev was assured, though not in a formal treaty, that if a unified Germany was allowed to remain in NATO, there would be no movement of NATO jurisdiction to the east, “not one inch.”

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Can the crisis be resolved by the application of common sense?

Yes, after all, what Putin is demanding is eminently reasonable. He is not demanding the exit of any NATO member and he is threatening none. By any common sense standard it is in the interest of the United States to promote peace, not conflict. To try to detach Ukraine from Russian influence ? the avowed aim of those who agitated for the “color revolutions” ? was a fool’s errand, and a dangerous one. Have we so soon forgotten the lesson of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
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Leading experts warned NATO expansion would lead to conflict. Why did no one listen?
From Kennan to Kissinger, Western foreign-policy thinkers saw NATO’s eastward march was a dangerous game
by Bradley Blankenship (an American journalist, columnist and political commentator. He has a syndicated column at CGTN and is a freelance reporter for international news agencies including Xinhua News Agency.)
-> https://www.rt.com/news/551225-nato-expansion-lead-conflict/

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Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, one of the most widely regarded American strategic thinkers of all time, said in a 2014 op-ed that “Ukraine should not join NATO.” This is because it would make Ukraine a theater in an East-West confrontation. He said that “to treat Ukraine as part of an East-West confrontation would scuttle for decades any prospect to bring Russia and the West ? especially Russia and Europe ? into a cooperative international system.”
it's clear that anyone who really supports the Ukrainian people must be principally against NATO's expansion. EU residents will also suffer the fallout, both economically and perhaps even in their basic physical safety. But let's remember that, until Russia's invasion, Europe - mainly Germany and France - was doing all it could to diffuse the situation in spite of Washington's brinkmanship.
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