When we were students, we took an alternative class indoors instead of outdoors P.E. on a rainy day.
Only a few P.E. teachers have an awareness to cherish what their students are, in short, almost all of them are the mass of muscles with a human figure, we assume.
One humorous P.E. teacher told us about his tough university days, where freshman students were exploited as if they were slaves without the right of voice, he says.
His story was filled with something humorous, which made us laugh well and concentrate on what he said.
A freshman student of the jocks is treated as a slave.
In short, a college senior is the top existence of someone militaristic, who has the right to utilize the junior students to his heart’s content in the conventional viewpoint.
A certain baseball player in Rakuten was fired because he had made negative contributions to his junior players in the violent and harassing perspective, we assume.
His behaviors toward his junior players seemed to be one of the negative heritages from the militaristic hierarchy.
There used to be the famous established hierarchy system in India, but we have seen such an unreasonable institution everywhere all over the world, we assume.
Japanese Constitution determines that all the people in our society should have the same right to live here, but such a brilliant slogan might be only an illusion, he says.
There seems to be a vertical ranking at home, where a mother could have an absolute power to control her family members as followers, sometimes she imposes something stressful on her children without persuasive reasons, after all, the victims cannot resist her behavior.
Such children, frequently, have more repulsive revenges on their mother after they grow up to be adults, he says.
Our species never fail to have a desire for power, and we must fight with what we have in our mental condition.
Otherwise, we bring ourselves into the tremendously lonely and solitary situation against our true wills.
He might have someone to be accompanied by with reluctance, but they would vanish from him because the vertical ranking system might force his followers to suffer from his selfish and self-centered behaviors, we assume.
Such a tyrant, actually, should be defeated by his or her loneliness and solitude because he or she doesn’t have any faculties and abilities to accept his or her weakness.