


There is the famous mystery novel “The Dawn Fortress” written by a certain popular screenwriter in the nearby library, which attracted us several days ago, she knows.
The contents of it should be that four young temporary workers, who had been treated as if they were slaves of the profitable enterprises, became united to succeed in organizing their own unions for the sake of their senior employee, who was killed with their poor surroundings.
His death had brought them into critical and threatening situations since they determined to establish their own labor union, but they couldn’t allow their environments in the workplaces to continue as they were, she assumes.
Almost all ordinary citizens in our society don’t have any questions why our life goes wrong in an economic way.
After all, we have been someone consumable utilized by only a few profitable corporations, who fail to escape from these challenging and malicious affairs, she knows.

When we are engaged into the workforce in our society, we would become a member of the labor union, although such organizations lack the aggressiveness to fight with someone without any considerations and sensibleness.
About five decades ago, countless and numerous labor organizations conducted their own absolute strikes to resist their profitable employers’ vices, everyone knows.
But numerous young workers at present tend to find the conventional and traditional styles of leftism something unfashionable, which might be one of the causes that the current labor unions have lacked their meanings.
Simultaneously, several kinds of activities contained in their statements might fail to be far from their original tasks, which makes negative contributions to the unions.
Almost all of the current workers have been exploited by the major corporations and enterprises, so that the labor unions should play an indispensable role in our society.
However, countless ordinary citizens including students, wives and officials, have suffered from what they have been required to do by their supervisors, everyone says.
