
White bike

“白い自転車”または“ゴーストバイク”と言う言葉を聞いたことがありますか?オンタリオ湖沿いの道を散歩しているときに白い自転車を発見しました。“白い自転車” “ゴーストバイク”とはサイクリング中に路上事故で亡くなった、もしくは重度の怪我をした人たちを慰めたり、注意喚起のために事故現場に設置されたものだそうです。

Have you ever heard of "white bike"? It's also called "ghost bike". We saw a white bike when we were taking a walk along Lake Ontario. White bike/ghost bike serves as a memorial to cyclists who were killed by accidents or got seriously injured on the street and they mean to call people's attention to the risk on the road. 


This "white bike" movement has started in St.Louis, Missouri, the U.S. in 2003. A total of 630 bikes were currently placed in 210 locations in 30 countries. The U.S. has a significant number of white bike memorials. By the way, there are no white bikes in Japan yet. If you saw a white bike while you are visiting other countries, please be cautious about biking/walking around there.



The population in Toronto is about 6.2 million and 15% of Torontonians are cyclists (about 1million people). Its number is growing year by year. As a result, the city of Toronto started building bike lanes in many streets. The bike-share service has also penetrated over the city and you can easily find the place to rent a bike. The pricing is 30 minutes CA$3.25 (JPY260), one day pass CA$7 (JPY550), annual pass CA$99 (JPY7800). You can also use the app on your phone so it's convenient when you feel like riding a bike. 



When you take a look unfortunately some of the cyclists do rough riding and they tend to be extremely self-centered. For example, In rush hour both roadway and bike lane are busy but some cyclists are dangerously speeding to pass others. In another case, if a pedestrian walks in a bike lane you may be shouted by the biker to go away. Of course, it's coming from the danger of the situation but I often feel the way they bike is more dangerous since they sometimes don't follow the stop or slow down sign. I honestly don't want to bike in Toronto for this reason. 



We are having hot days like high is close to 30 ℃ for a few days, people are in summer mode. It's a long way COVID-19 is stamped out. When we go for a walk we wear face masks. We have drinks on the porch and do yoga together in the backyard to avoid crowds. We are enjoying the precious sunshine effectively while being extra careful about the disease. I hope that you will be the same and have a great day! Safe cycling too!
