
TIBI IV̄RŌ (Ich Verspreche Dir/アスカの宣誓/ラテン語翻訳)

Tibi iūrō.
Praeter tē nōn virum ad mortem tangam.
Sōlum tēcum neque cum virō ad mortem loquar.
Tōtum meum: ā capite ad pedem, capillus omnis etiam tibi inest.
Diērum in quibus tēcum eram nōn meminisse possum, sed iīs nunc nōn egeō.
Nesciō quid "amor" significat.
Sī aliquis iūrāmentum hoc, ut nōn ad mortem violātur, "amōrem" vocat, tē semper neque virum amandum et sōlum tē habendum tibi iūrō, dum vīvō.
Nōmine Asuka Soryu Langley


Translated by Yami
Asuka's Oath from RE-TAKE which is self-published manga, called generally Doujinshi (同人誌) in Japanese, for Neon Genesis EVANGELION (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン).

Here she tells Shinji her determination in German in the original plot and I'm sure that she would convey her resolve to him if her native language were Latin on the ground of her character and personality. Well I've not watched the whole story of the anime yet though but it was so moving and I cried reading this book. Regardless give this a read if you're a fan.

None Macron Version↓


Tibi iuro.
Praeter te non virum ad mortem tangam.
Solum tecum neque cum viro ad mortem loquar.
Totum meum: a capite ad pedem, capillus omnis etiam tibi inest.
Dierum in quibus tecum eram non meminisse possum, sed iis nunc non egeo.
Nescio quid "amor" significat.
Si aliquis iuramentum hoc, ut non ad mortem violatur, "amorem" vocat, te semper neque virum amandum et solum te habendum tibi iuro, dum vivo.
Nomine Asuka Soryu Langley
