なぜ女性のリーダーは少ないのか 2 Ryo Moro 2019年2月21日 10:52 In this video, she tells why we have less women than men in leadership.Women tends to have the progress toward equality.I was thinking about me, and yes, I do.When I have the person who I respect, Ialways think that I want to reach the person, not go through the person. Even I haven’t thought about it. I haven’t had the way of thinking. But that is true. If I toward the person who is in leadership, I cannot be the leader, next to the leader. So if I have the thing which I rally like it, the thing I have to toward is not to reach the thing, go thorough the thing.This women, Shery Sandberg told me the new way of thinking to make something happen in reality. #ted #video #leader #business #brainscience #脳科学 #ビジネス #心理学 #考え方 #ビジネス #心理学 #考え方 #脳科学 #TED #business #video #LEADER #brainscience 2 この記事が気に入ったらサポートをしてみませんか? サポート