「ポケモンGOの0.1%になってもNianticにとってIngressはどれだけ大切なものなのか」 #Ingress
これは2019年1月に行われたAsk Me Anythingに関する話。要点について述べた有志による一連のツイートを以下にまとめた。
AMA、Ask Me Anythingとは、NianticでIngressのグローバルコミュニティマネージャーを務めるAndrew Krug(アンドリュー・クルーグ)さんが毎月1回Google+上で設ける、Ingressエージェント(=プレイヤー)からの質問に回答する機会だ。
Q: iso isorhiza - While monthly download of Ingress is less than 0.1% of Pokemon Go and revenue must be like that, what is the reason that Niantic continues to invest on developing this game? Is it love?
A: There would be no Pokémon GO without Ingress. Ingress was the proof of concept that this genre of gaming could be successful and that there was interest in it. The relationship started when Tatsuo Nomura was working at Google on Google Maps (which John Hanke was the lead of) and created the Pokémon Challenge for an April Fool’s Day stunt. I’m paraphrasing the exchange but at some point, the story goes that Tatsuo mentioned to Satoru Iwata of Nintendo and Tsunekazu Ishihara of The Pokémon Company that they should check out Ingress. They said they knew about Ingress and were actually fairly high-level Agents. Conversations about doing something similar with the Pokémon franchise eventually came about as a result of that.
We just had our Ingress product team offsite at which John Hanke said, “Ingress is incredibly important to Niantic. It is the most complete expression of our vision to build games, even with its flaws.” Once Ingress has been transitioned over to the new backend servers it will enable us to do a lot. I hate to say Ingress is our sandbox since that implies things may be temporary, fleeting, or not as valuable. But the opposite is true. Ingress will enable us to try things that we wouldn’t be able to do with someone else’s intellectual property. We want to push the bounds of this space with Ingress. Not everything we try will be a success. But hopefully, we do more right than wrong.
So it’s a little bit of love and strategic importance.
last accessed on February 13th, 2019.
質問1:Ingressの毎月のダウンロードと収益はポケモンGOの0.1%未満ですが、それでもNianticがIngressの開発に投資し続ける理由は何ですか? 愛によるものですか?
しかし実際は逆だ。Ingressは私達が他人の知的財産を用いてはできないような事への挑戦を可能にするだろう。 この空間の限界をIngressで拡大していきたい。
Q: Quek Yu Shan - Just wondering is there any question(regardless ingress related or not)which you hope we will ask about?
A: I really enjoy the questions asking about how important Ingress is to Niantic. Those strategic questions are important. It’s easy for Ingress to get overshadowed by the success of Pokémon GO. It’s easy to see a product that up until Prime was released hadn’t seen a major feature or game mechanic implemented in years and feel like Niantic was giving up on Ingress. It’s easy to see six months of no events and get the sense that the product is on its last legs. But the truth of the matter is, when you catch lightning in a bottle like we did with Pokémon GO, we had to pivot and make some hard choices which impacted Ingress in the short term. I don’t envy our decision makers for having to make the tough calls. Especially those surrounding resource allocation. At the end of the day, I know they want to make the right choices for the company. Those choice will lead/have led to Ingress benefitting from the company's success. But that isn’t always apparent or communicated. So keep asking those questions.
last accessed on February 13th, 2019.
回答2:私はIngressがNianticにとってどれほど重要かについて尋ねる質問を本当に嬉しく思う。これらの戦略的な質問は重要で、IngressがポケモンGOの成功の影になってしまうのは簡単な事だ。Ingress Primeがリリースされるまで、何年もかけて実装されていた主要な機能やゲームの仕組みが見られず、NianticがIngressをあきらめたように思われるのは容易な事でもある。6か月間にわたってイベントがない事からゲームアプリが終了に近づいている段階だと理解するのも簡単だ。しかし、問題の核は、ポケモンGOのように奇跡を起こした時、短期間でIngressに影響を与えるいくつかの難しい選択と転換をしなければならなかった事だ。私は、私達の意思決定者が厳しい命令をかけなければならない事に対して嫉妬していない。特に会社の資産に関わる人々に対しては。私は、結局は彼らが会社のために正しい選択をしたいのだという事を知っている。 これらの選択は、IngressがNianticの成功から恩恵を受ける事に繋がる、または繋がった事になる。しかし、それは常に明らかにされるものではないし、伝えられるものでもないので、このような質問はこれからも続けてほしい。