
英語が話せるようになりたい中学生へ|PeppaPigリスニング② 「スーパーでお買物」の巻






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Peppa and George are going shopping.
Peppa and George like shopping.
George loves sitting in the trolly.
So does Peppa.

trolly = shopping cart = ショッピングカート

[Peppa] Daddy, can I sit in the trolly too?
[Daddy Pig] You are too big for the trolly, Peppa.  But you could help with the shopping.
[Peppa] Oh goody.

oh goody! = やった〜♡

[Mummy Pig] We've got four things on the list.
[Daddy Pig] Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit.
[Peppa] I'll find it all.
[Peppa] This way.
[Narrator] Peppa and George loves shopping.

shopping list = 買い物リスト

[Mummy Pig] Peppa, first we need tomatoes.
[Peppa] I can see them.  I can see them.  Here are the tomatoes, mummy.
[Mummy Pig] Well done, Peppa.
[Peppa] One, two, three, four.
[Mummy Pig] Now put them in the trolly.

[Peppa] I found the tomatoes.
[Daddy Pig] Well done Peppa.  Tomatoes.  That's one thing off the list.  What's next on the list?
[Peppa] Spagetti.
[Daddy Pig] That's right George.  But it's called spaghetti.

spaghetti = スパゲティ

[Narrator] Spaghetti is Peppa and George's favourite food.
[Daddy Pig] I wonder where the spaghetti is. 
[Peppa Pig] I can see it.  This way.  Spaghetti.  Look mummy.  Here is the spaghetti.
[Mummy Pig] Well done Peppa.  Let's put the spaghetti in the trolly.
[Peppa] Yes mummy. 
[George] pi-ghe-tti.

[Peppa] George, it's called spa-ghe-tti.
[George] pi-ghe-tti.
[Daddy Pig] What's next on the list Peppa?
[Peppa] Crisps.
[Daddy Pig] Crisps is not on the list.
[Mummy Pig] We have plenty of crisps at home Peppa.
[Daddy Pig] Have another guess.

crisps(英)= potato chips(米)= ポテチ
have a guess = あててごらん

[Mummy Pig] Can you remember George?
[Peppa] I just can't remember.
[George] Dinosaur.
[Mummy Pig] Dinosaur?
[Peppa] George, there aren't any dinosaurs in the supermarket.

Dinosaur = 恐竜

[Daddy Pig] No George.  The next thing on the list is onions.
[Peppa] Onions.  I remember now.  Here they are.
[Mummy Pig] Well done. 
[Peppa] One, two, three, four.  Onions.
[Daddy Pig] Very good.  That's nearly everything on our list.
[Mummy Pig] There is one last thing on the list.

I remember now = 今思い出した♪
well done = よくできました♪

[Narrator] A plant?  Is that on the list?
[Daddy Pig] No George.  The last thing on the list is fruit.
[George] Oh
[Mummy Pig] Never mind George.  You can choose the fruit.  Where is the fruit?
[Peppa] Over there.

plants = 植物

[Narrator] There are apples and oranges and bananas and a very big melon.
[Mummy Pig] What fruit shall we have George?  Apples?
[Daddy Pig] Oranges?
[Peppa] Bananas? A melon!

[Narrator] This is the checkout where all the food is paid for.
[Cashier] Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, melon, chocolate cake.
[Everyone] Chocolate cake?

checkout = レジ
paid for = 支払い

[Narrator] Chocolate cake?  Is that on the list?
[Mummy Pig] Peppa, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolly?
[Peppa]  No mummy.
[Mummy Pig] George, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolly?
[George] No
[Mummy Pig] Well, I didn't put it in.
[Peppa] Then who did?
[Daddy Pig] I thought it might be nice for pudding.

pudding(英)= デザート
naughty = いたずらな

[Mummy Pig] Daddy pig!
[Peppa] Naughty daddy.
[Daddy Pig] Sorry.  It just looked so delicious.
[Mummy Pig] It does look rather yummy.  Oh let's pretend it was on the list.
[George] Chocolate cake.
[Daddy Pig] Great!

let's pretend… = …ふりをしよう
looks rather yummy = けっこう美味しそうだわね


🐷 True (⭕️) or False (❌)?
(1) George and Peppa don't like shopping.
(2) Peppa found onions.
(3) They bought bananas.

🐷 Tell me…
(4) How many tomatoes did they buy?
(5) Who put the chocolate cake in the trolly?
(6) What did they buy?  Choose your answer from the box👇

onions / crisps / trolly / apples / bananas / melon / spaghetti /  tomatoes / plants / chocolate cake / dinosaurs

文法メモ: Uncountable nouns(不可算名詞)




