星山耕太郎個展「Psychological Collage IV FIGURE-GROUND」開催のご案内 | 11/4(土)より
このたびAaP/roidworksgalleryでは、星山耕太郎個展「Psychological Collage IV FIGURE-GROUND」を開催いたします。
本展示では、星山の代表的シリーズである「Psychological Collage」に、心理学の概念である「FIGURE-GROUND(図と地)」という観点を新たに加え展開した、意欲的な新作18点をご高覧いただきます。
We are pleased to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of Kotaro Hoshiyama, titled "Psychological Collage IV FIGURE-GROUND," at AaP/roidworksgallery.
In this exhibition, you will have the opportunity to view 18 ambitious new works, which expand upon Hoshiyama's renowned series, "Psychological Collage," by incorporating the concept of "FIGURE-GROUND" from psychology.
When people look at something, they simultaneously focus on that "something" as the subject while relegating everything else to the background. Hoshiyama first noticed that this series of cognitive processes aligns with the recognition and interaction of "subject and background" within the context of art. He then succeeded in incorporating this mutual relationship of the two domains into his artwork composition using his devised technique known as "Koma-wari."We hope you will appreciate the deepened concept and his ability to encapsulate it in the form of art.
Applications to purchase artwork are available on the website or through our profile link.
Kotaro Hoshiyama Solo Exhibition
Psychological Collage IV FIGURE-GROUND
会期: 11/4(Sat)-11/12(Sun)
営業時間 12:00-19:00
*Open everyday during the exhibition Opening hours
会場: roidworksgalleryロイドワークスギャラリー(湯島)
東京都文京区湯島4-6-12 湯島ハイタウンB棟1F
4 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034
Yushima Hightown B 1F, 4-6-12
TEL: +81 (0)3-3812-4712