NTDで1位の動画-2/4:ライアン・コール医学博士 COVID-19ワクチンによる癌の発生傾向と、自然免疫反応の変化(+ビタミンDの重要性について) / (Dr. Ryan Cole):(Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response)
Mr. Jekielek: Something we haven’t really talked about too much on the show before is the value of vitamin D because this is something that you don’t need a doctor for frankly, right?
J:ここまでで、あまり話してこなかったビタミンDの価値のことですが… これは、率直に言って(摂取するのに)医者が要らないものですよね?
Dr. Cole: Correct. コール博士:そうです。
Mr. Jekielek: And from what I understand, it’s pretty significant having a decent level of vitamin D, puts you in a lot stronger position relative to the virus, as I understand it. Maybe you can expound on this a bit, because you mentioned it earlier.
J: 私が理解では、ビタミンDをきちんと摂取して、その血中濃度レベルを十分に上げていれば、ウイルス(感染症)に対してより有意な立場に立つことができるということです。先ほどもお話されていましたが、もう少し詳しく説明していただけますか?
Dr. Cole: Yeah. I did mention that, in that talk that I gave, I had mentioned, “Look, we don’t just have that vitamin D deficiency. It’s at pandemic levels. We have an indoor lifestyle now, and it’s shocking as I see those patterns in the lab, I realize how many people have a low vitamin D.” And too many doctors actually don’t check that on their patients.
So vitamin D isn’t a vitamin per se, it’s a prohormone that our body will make in the spring and summer months when we get our sunshine and in the fall and the winter, this is where I got controversial as well, I said, “Look, there’s really no such thing as flu and cold season, there’s just low vitamin D season.” And it's a little hyperbolic, but even a study by Dr. Anthony Martino, who came out a couple years ago said, “Look, if your vitamin D levels are normal, your propensity to get a flu or cold is cut by half. And then if you do get one, your symptoms and severity are cut by half as well.”
So it’s out there in the medical literature and more vitamin D levels decrease cancer risks in about 17 different cancers, decrease death from coronary disease, decrease problems with osteoporosis, decrease viral infections, decrease clotting disorders. So many things that vitamin D does because it’s an essential part of our pathophysiology.
So I spoke out about this and I said, “Look, if we can get our vitamin D levels up, our chances of being severe with COVID are far less.” Well large study by Dr. Kaufman in 2020 looked back at 191,000 patients and said, “Hey look, if your vitamin D levels above 50 or not, above 50 your chance of getting COVID goes down by about half and your severity goes down by 80 plus percent.” And Mayo clinic did a study and said, if your vitamin D is above 30, your chance of being in the ICU was cut by a huge percentage. And then if it was below 30 and below 20, then that was your high percentage chance of getting intubated.
そこで、私はこのことについて発言しました。「いいですか、もしビタミンDの血中レベルを上げることができれば、COVIDで重症化する可能性はずっと低くなりますよ 」と。
So we had signals early on. Vitamin D is like the conductor of a fine symphony. And it tells your body, this section come in, that section tune out, this section come in, and come in at mezzo forte and at forte and go down to piano. So vitamin D is that conductor of our immune system. ということで、この様に、かなり前から(ビタミンD不足が危険だという)シグナルは出ていたわけです。 ビタミンDというのは、素晴らしい交響曲の指揮者のようなもので、このセクションがチューニングが外れているとか、弱すぎるとか、強すぎるとか、メゾフォルテとフォルテで入って、ピアノの音まで下げて…と言った感じで体に指示を出しているんです。つまり、ビタミンDは私たちの免疫システムの指揮者なのです。
Now you’ve heard about the cytokine storm from which people have passed. If your vitamin D is insufficient, your immune system is more like the mosh pit at a punk rock concert, ping, ping, ping crashing together and not having that signal to turn on or turn off. So vitamin D is this fantastic conductor of orderliness in our immune responses. And every nucleus on every cell in your body has a receptor for vitamin D. So, as a pathologist and as one who studies patterns, I tried to share this message of how important this is for our overall immune health.
Mr. Jekielek: Yeah. And it’s not a cure all or something-
Dr. Cole: Oh, not at all. コール博士:まさか、そんな事は全く言ってませんよ。
Mr. Jekielek: … but it sounds like something that most people in COVID pandemic time might want to know, right?
Dr. Cole: In any flu and cold season and see, this is another fascinating data point. So the darker your skin, the farther north, you live in the world, the lower the vitamin D levels tend to be. Because dark skin is a natural sunscreen. So if you look at the death rates across the world during the first wave of the pandemic, in all the Northern cities, there’s a wall of honor for those healthcare workers and a hospital in the UK colleague of mine said, “It’s fascinating that all of those colleagues that passed away early in the pandemic, that were nurses and doctors, were all darker skinned.” And this is a public health message that is so critical, because so goes your vitamin D level. So goes your overall ability to fight off, not just COVID, but any virus in any viral season.
パンデミックの第一波における世界中の死亡率を見れば分かります。私の同僚のイギリスの医療従事者によれば、北部のすべての都市では、パンデミックの初期に亡くなった医療従事者のための栄誉の壁があって、「興味深いことに、そこに掲げられている医師やナースは全員肌の色がダークな人ばかりなんだ」と言うんです。 これは、公衆衛生上の重要なメッセージと言えます。ビタミンDの血中レベルが下がれば、COVIDだけでなく、あらゆるウイルス感染症に対抗する総合的な能力が低下するということですから。
And so goes that basic equilibrium of your immune response. So if you looked at San Francisco, if you looked at Chicago, if you looked at Detroit, if you looked at New York, if you looked at the deaths actually in Sweden, everybody criticized Sweden’s response to the pandemic. The deaths were in the darker skin Somalian and Ethiopian women and men that were in a Northern climate with darker skin and in their culture, they cover up as well. So they had rickets level, as in, vitamin D levels of 8, 7, 9-
これが減ると、免疫反応の基本的な均衡が崩れてしまうのです。サンフランシスコ、シカゴ、デトロイト、ニューヨーク、そしてスウェーデンでの死者数を見てみると、誰もがスウェーデンの(ロックダウンやマスクを強制しなかった)パンデミックへの対応を批判していますね。 しかし、死亡したのは、ソマリアやエチオピアの女性や男性でした。北部の環境の中では肌の色が濃く、文化的に(夏でも)肌を隠す人たちでした。そのため、ビタミンDの値が8、7、9と、くる病患者のような状態になっていたのです。
Mr. Jekielek: And this was studied? J:これは研究された事ですか?
Dr. Cole: This was studied. This was data, but public health messaging, “These are not the droids you’re looking for. This doesn’t matter.” It’s critical to our health. Again, as you point out, it’s not the be all, end all, but to look at public health messaging ignoring…
コール博士:これは研究されたものです。これはデータとしてありましたが、公衆衛生メッセージでは、「これはあなたが探しているものではありません。これは重要ではありません 」と言い続けています。 私たちの健康にとって重要なことなのに…。ご指摘のように、公衆衛生メッセージの無視は、これがすべてではありませんが......。
I was on a federal committee for race and COVID several months back invited with a couple of others, four or five of us, but that was one of the points I brought up, “Yes, we have an obesity crisis within many populations, but we also have a vitamin D crisis. And we hear about the social disparities and the social disparities causing risks for COVID, certainly that may be a factor, but we have to get down to the basic biological disparity, and to not teach people that if you have dark skin, you need even more vitamin D if you’re living further north. It’s just a basic evolutionary biology message we should be sharing.
A darker skinned individual living in Chicago will synthesize about six times less vitamin D than a lighter skinned individual. So it’s so much more important in those communities where, obviously we’re trying to optimize the health and that should be a message of public health officials. Look, what can we do that’s inexpensive and an easy message to get out there? This is one of them. It’s not the only thing obviously, but as a pattern diagnostician, I thought, “Huh, isn’t this interesting?”
シカゴに住む肌の色の濃い人は、肌の色の薄い人に比べてビタミンDの合成量が約6倍少なくなります。ですから、このような地域社会では、ビタミンDがより重要であり、こういった情報は、人々の健康状態を本当に良くしたいと公衆衛生担当者が願っているのなら、そのメッセージにあるべきです。「安価で、簡単に取り入れられることで、メッセージになるものはないだろうか?」と考えるなら、これはその一つになり得ます。もちろん、これだけではありませんが…。 パターン診断の専門家として、「(これを伝えないなんて)興味深いな」と思いました。