”Distraction" and habit-making products 「Distraction」とハマるサービス
The opposite of DISTRACTION is not Focus, it's TRACTION.


Is what I am doing at this very moment what I am really trying to do (Traction)? Or is it an escape from reality (Distraction)?
People are programmed to avoid unpleasant things and act on that basis.
Many of the world's most popular services use distraction to keep users engaged.
The hooked model

A trigger is the actuator of behavior.
The first step of habit-forming products is to alert users via external triggers such as an email, a website link, or an app icon on a phone.
In other words, those products are using distraction to attract interest of users when they did not have the intend to use the service initially.

Through a continuous loop of hooks, users start to associate the service with internal triggers which are connected to the original behavior or emotion, and become attached to it.
Although ethical considerations are, of course, essential, but designing external triggers that get people hooked would be a hint for creating popular services.

Both "Indistractable" and "Hooked" by Nir Eyal were so interesting that they got me HOOKED. He is indeed the leading expert on habit-forming products. Highly recommended!
Nir Eyalさんの「Indistractable」も「Hooked」も面白すぎてハマっちゃいました。さすがハマるサービスの第一人者ですね。とってもおすすめです。
I am introducing other elements of the Hooked model in the article "Gamification and Psychology" so please take a look at it if you're interested.