
【One worlder】 第一巻 私はどこから来てどこへ行くのか  序章① 黒田 勇吾

  我が在りし この遊楽の世界にて 師恩報ぜし 文字は走りぬ


 丘の上にあるこの仮設住宅は、年中強めの風が吹いていて、それが住んでいた人々の不満の種の一つだったが、今日は穏やかな薫風が静かに流れて心地よい。夢野 聡(ゆめのさとし)は、引っ越しの荷物をすべてまとめ終った後に、この桜木の前にやってきた。見上げると無数の桜の花びらが大樹の枝全体を覆い尽くして流れるように揺れている。その向こうは限りなく水色に近い青空が無限に広がっている。





 「いよいよ今日でお別れなんだよね」後ろで聞きなれた柔らかな声がして聡は苦笑しながら振り返った。遠海 花蓮(とうみかれん)は笑顔で立っていたが、聡が振り返ると目を逸らした。何かそのあとの言葉を捜しているようなそんな目をした花蓮は、聡をちらりと見たあと桜を見上げた。





【One  Worlder】    ❶  Preface ①

Two days ago, on April 15th, a large cherry blossom that was almost in full bloom is blooming on the bank next to the temporary housing. The sun was blowing a warm breeze on the small hills on the outskirts of Makinoishi City. The light red petals on the branches of the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, protected by the gentle breeze, and probably not scattered yet, swaying in the sunlight.

This temporary housing on the hill was one of the dissatisfactions of the people who lived in it, with strong winds all year round, but today the gentle scent is quiet and comfortable. Satoshi Yumeno came in front of this cherry tree  after he had packed all the moving luggage. Looking up, countless cherry blossom petals cover the entire branch of the big tree and sway in a flowing manner. Beyond that, the blue sky, which is as close to light blue as possible, extends infinitely.

He didn't know what the scent of cherry blossoms was for Satoshi, who had a bad nose, but he smiled, imagining that it probably had a mysterious scent that made people feel calm and peaceful.

This is the fifth time I have seen this cherry blossom in full bloom. About 6 years of living in a temporary building. On April 17, 2018, the anniversary of Uncle Matsuo's death, Satoshi decided today as the day of departure. Satoshi looked up at the cherry blossoms and thought that he would never return here.

At the beginning of April, when I was in my first year of junior high school, when I was taken to this temporary housing by Uncle Matsuo and started living, I remember feeling at ease when I saw this cherry blossom.
The Great East Japan Earthquake struck on March 11th of the previous year, and Satoshi's life changed dramatically. Rather, Satoshi thought that his future was trapped in the darkness of a closed well and couldn't leave forever. A quiet, silent world that doesn't shoot a single light. .. .. ..

While looking at the cherry blossoms, Satoshi suddenly imagined the scenery of the Pacific waves bursting on the breakwater of Wataru Beach near his home before the earthquake. In spite of the Pacific Ocean, there were always waves that were as tall as Satoshi on that sandy beach. The tip of the Mexica Peninsula was hazy and visible far to the left of the horizon. Satoshi lived near that beach until the day of the earthquake, always thinking that there was a country called America over the Pacific Ocean.

"It's finally time to say goodbye today," Satoshi looked back with a bitter smile, with a soft voice behind him. Karen stood with a smile, but when Satoshi looked back, she looked away. Karen Toumi  who looked like she was looking for words after that, glanced at Satoshi and then looked up at the cherry blossoms.
"Ren, I got up quite early today. It's just past 7 o'clock." It was early in the morning, so I thought that none of the remaining 11 temporary residents were awake, so I was a little surprised. Then Satoshi stared at Karen. Then he went on and approached Karen.
Karen raises her bangs with a pink forehead to show her wide forehead. The smooth skin without acne is shining in my heart. The double eyes are not so deep, but they were often mistaken for half by strangers. The area around the nose is thin, reminiscent of a Frenchwoman with a high nose, so I felt that I could understand the feelings of someone who made a mistake. The lipstick that I don't usually wear is red.
In the same temporary housing, Karen spent 6 years in junior high school and high school, so she lived with Karen's family like a childhood friend. Satoshi was alone with Uncle Matsuo, but Karen's family lived with five parents and two younger sisters, so living in a temporary housing with only three rooms may have been cramped.

Karen, who is now looking up at the cherry blossoms with her red mouth in the shape of a letter, must have made Satoshi cry many times. And how many times did you make me laugh? Satoshi made Karen cry, laugh, angry and sad, and spent such years in this temporary housing, and the two went through from boys and girls to the entrance to youth together.

Continue to ②. The first volume is scheduled to be completed in 2023. I plan to complete all 10 volumes by 2029.